- Website: Albert Bates
Related websites include:
–GVix.org - Contact: Albert Bates
- Email: albert@thefarm.org
- Telephone: 52-998-116-5532
- Mailing Address:
PO Box 90
Summertown, TN 38483 - Social Media:
Emergency Planetary Technician @ GVIx.org; author of >20 books on environment, history, and public policy. Founder of Q(i) Cool Design group and the Cool Lab, a holistic approach to networked indigenous drawdown enterprises that scale laterally. Co-recipient of the (first) Right Livelihood Award (1980) for work to preserve the cultures of indigenous peoples and the (first) Gaia Award (2010) for ecovillage movement. Advisor to the Commonwealth’s Regenerative Design to Reverse Climate Change — Common Earth. Serial co-founder of NGOs; fiscal sponsor for international partners. BA, LLB, JD, EMT, DiplP (2); taught >100 PDCs, masterclasses in agroforestry, ecovillage, regenerative carbon tech, bioconstruction and natural building. Direct descendant of Issachar Bates, author of >400 Shaker Hymns, and family of 1635 Pilgrims. Kentish since 54 BCE, Belgaic Gauls before that.
Bioregion Description:
Shared hunting territory between Choctaw, Creek, and Muskogee peoples in the upper Swan River that flows into the Duck, Cumberland and thence to the Tennessee and Mississippi, placing The Farm Ecovillage of 250 residents in the Cumberland Green Bioregion (of which I am a co-founder).