“Restoring Watersheds, Communities & Ourselves”
September 4-7, 1997 (Thursday thru Sunday)

Humboldt County. Sue-meg State Park (formerly Patrick’s Point State Park), within traditional Yurok/Karok land; near Eureka, just north of Arcata, California.
“The host Six Rivers area of Shasta Bioregion possesses a wealth of advanced ecological programs and activities, knowledgeable professionals, and highly dedicated resident practitioners. Many Northern California communities that have been dependent on natural resources extraction are developing more sustainable practices. People are relearning older traditions and discovering new approaches encompassing everything from public issues and wilderness appreciation to food and art.”
There were two main flows of thought and activity at SBG V.
- One was the strong resident restoration ecology movement in the northern coastal area of California composed of groups such as the Mattole Watershed Council and a half dozen others.
- The second was the large number of state-of-the-art professionals in eco-restorative fields related to fish, forests, streams, and soil who also live in the area and work on projects like Redwood National and State Parks. These were the bedrock for panels, presentations, workshops, and spontaneous discussions during the four-day event.
The Gathering explored different ecological and social realities, building new alliances in our communities, discovering personal & social fulfilment and expression with hands-on opportunities and information.
The Gathering’s three themes were explored through presentations, panels, workshops, and performances. They included:
- 1. Restoring Watersheds:
Brought together workers, specialists, agency representatives, and interested individuals in events running throughout the four-day weekend.
The panelists speaking on this topic were: Klamath-Siskiyou Alliance, Salmon River Restoration Council, Smith River Alliance, and Mattole Restoration Council.
- 2. Restoring Communities:
Focused on sustainable economics, social realities and new alliances.
- 3. Restoring Ourselves:
Celebrated personal and social fulfillment and expression through hands-on opportunities and information about indigenous crafts, organic gardening, music, spirituality, and other pursuits.
Thursday, September 4, 1997
On the Welcoming Committee was a Native American Yurok elder who described the ancient sacred role of the SBG site.
Opening Ceremony
Welcome Circle
Introductions where attendees gave their names and bioregions.
The Spirit of Bioregionalism (Planet Drum’s Peter Berg & Judy Goldhaft).
Illustrations of Watershed Reports
Reflections about Patrick’s Point State Park (John Kolb, Redwood National & State Park District Superintendent; Bob Anderson, Supervising Ranger).
Representative Restoration Groups in the Shasta Bioregion: Tim McKay (Klamath-Siskiyou Alliance), Pete Brucker (Salmon River Restoration Council), Larry Moss (Smith River Alliance), Mickey Dulas (Mattole Restoration Council), Sungnome Madrone (Redwood Community Action Agency).
Hawk Rosales (Intertribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council):
Hawk described the new Sinkyone Wilderness State Park that was to be limited to Native American traditional management and use.
Specific Restoration Projects:
- Lower Klamath Restoration Project: Troy Fletcher (biologist), Jim Bond, Dan Gale, Hans Voight (Natural Resources Department Yurok Tribe), Mark Wheelly (Coastal Conservancy).
- Coastal Dunes Restoration: Carol Crosby (Friends of the Dunes). Gina Casper (AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project).
Bioregional Issues:
- The State of the System in the Shasta Bioregion*: Bill Devall (Sociology, Humboldt State University (HSU)), a local deep ecologist, spoke on the ecological system in Shasta Bioregion. According to Devall, “bioregionalism recognizes, nurtures, sustains and celebrates our local connection with: land, plants and animals, rivers, lakes, oceans, air, families and neighbors, community, native traditions, and systems of production and trade”. Bill continued by saying that it is valuable to investigate the overall health of a natural system to indicate how an ecosystem is affected by various human and natural activities, and to help humans understand the intricacies of the natural cycles that surround them. He then proceeded to do so with regard to the local Klamath-Siskiyou-Shasta Bioregion.
*For a full summary of this talk see ‘The State of the System’.
- Northcoast Fishery Issues: Terry Roleoffs (Fisheries, HSU).
- Salmon Protection (Past, Present & Future): Nat Bingham (Habitat Coordinator, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association). John Gaffin (Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC)).
- [Unknown Topic]: Tom Gates (Yurok Heritage Preservation Officer).
- Redwood National Park Relations with Native American Tribe: Ann King Smith.
- Forest, Fire, and Roots: Dale Thornburgh (Forestry, HSU).
- Arcata Marsh: Bob Gearheart (Environmental Engineering, HSU).
- State Park’s Role in Some Bioregional Issues: Ken Anderson (North Coast Redwoods District Resource Ecologist).
- BioReserves and Bioregional Planning: Shelly Wingo & Steve Tusing (Legacy).
- Klamath-Siskiyou Biodiversity Plan: Kelpie Wilson (Siskiyou Project).
Restoration of Salmonid Habitat: Presentation by Scott Bower, Mike Asprey, Mark Kenney (CCC Americorps, Klamath Service District).
Teaching Restoration:
- Petrolia School: Tom Detrich.
- Cultural, Environmental & Sustainable Communities: Michael McAvoy (New College of California), Brock Dolman (Occidental Arts & Ecology Center), Mark DuPont (Sandy Bar Ranch).
- Working with Students & Communities: Shannon Murray (AmeriCorps Watershed Project).
Thursday Evening Talks & Entertainment:
- Opening Circle Ritual
- Introductions
- Sufi Dancing (Dances of Universal Peace)
- Wildlife Characteristics in the Shasta Bioregion: Ron Levalley (Naturalist, HSU).
- Campfire, Watershed Reports, and Poetry
- Council of All Beings: David Graves (Humanity & Nature, John F. Kennedy College). David selected a towering Sitka spruce growing at the edge of the central meadow as the official SBG V ‘totem’ tree. Participants were encouraged to visit the tree between talks and panels to create animal & plant masks, and to attach objects to the tree’s branches serving as tokens of gratitude for the presence of wild creatures in their lives. David also invited participants to tell their own stories of how animals & plants from particular bioregions have affected their lives. A gong was suspended from the great grandfather tree to sound as a reminder of the importance of all beings.
Friday, September 5, 1997
- Restorative Fieldtrip at McDonald Creek, Redwood National Park: Up Slope Issues, Stream and Road Decommissioning Projects. The fieldtrip was conducted by Terry Roleoffs, John Schwabe (CA Fish & Game), Terry Spreiter (Hydrologist, RNP), Mitch Farro (Pacific Watershed Associates), Jeff Blue (RCAA).
- Restoring Waterflows in the Klamath & Trinity Rivers: Troy Fletcher, Lief Hillman, Mike Orcutt (fishery program leader for the Hoopa Tribe), Tom Slokely & Patty Schifferie.
- Restoring Fire Regime: Peter Brucker (Salmon Restoration Council).
- Sense of Place: Spring Garrett, Carol Crosby (Natural History Museum).
- Standards for Ecology Responsible Forestry: Mike Barnes (Ecoforestry Institute), David Simpson (Institute for Sustainable Forestry), John Reid (Pacific Forest Trust).
- Headwaters Forest Slideshow: Doug Thron.
- Non-Timber Forest Products: Trinity Alps Botanical.
- Klamath Resource Information System (KRIS): A Fish and Water Quality GIS- Pat Higgins (William Kier Association).
- Collective Process (Relations with the Earth, Relations with Each Other): Blythe Reis (Sandy Bar Ranch), Brock Dolman (Occidental Arts & Ecology Center).
- A Conservation Plan to Protect and Restore Ecological Integrity of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Klamath Mountains Province: Rich Nawa (Siskiyou Project).
- Save the Redwoods League (Master Plan for the Redwoods): Mack Shaver (SRL), Charles Convis (Environmental Systems Research Institute).
- Watershed Analysis Project/South Fork Trinity: Jim Spear (District Conservationist NRC), Kenneth Baldwin (institute for Sustainable Forestry), Danny Hagans (Pacific Watershed Associates), Jeff Danks (HSU), Sabra Stienburg (HSU).
- Aquatic Diversity and Integrity (TMDL [Total Maximum Daily Load?] Protocol): Chad Roberts (HSU, and Environmental Consultant for Oscar Larson and Associates), Chris Heppe (EPA).
- The Health of Jackson & Josephine Counties (A Socio-Ecological Economical Assessment): George McKinnley (Headwaters), Lori Cooper (Klamath Forest Alliance).
- Inspiring Alternate Technology: Johnny Gary (Earth Church).
- Headwaters Forest: Cecelia Lanman & Kevin Bundy (EPIC), Josh Kaufman (Sierra Club), Tracy Katelman (Trees Foundation), Lorraine Miller-Wolf (Taxpayers for Headwaters Forest), Tara Mueller (Biodiverstiy Legal Project).
[At some point during the Gathering, probably here, the Headwaters Forest protest leaders updated their case for a massive protest the following weekend.]
- Strengthening the ESA (Endangered Species Act): Stacy Schull (EPIC).
- The Health of Our Soil: Richard Hart (Siskiyou Environmental Services, Headwaters).
- Accumulative Impact in Watersheds: George Shook (Siskiyou Project).
Salmon Restoration Project: Erick Larson (Leggett CCC/AmeriCorps).
Wetland & Marsh Restoration Upper Klamath: Sarah Hall.
Friday Workshops:
- River of Words Demo: Stephan Hall (Sunset School).
- Puppet Making: Solomon.
- Basing an Economy on Conservation: Harvest Plans for Coho Salmon- Richard Gienger (Coho Salmon Defense/EPIC).
- The Landscape Connection: Robert Parker (Trees Foundation).
- State of Klamath Ecosystem: Jeff Heys.
- Mindfulness Meditation Walking: Rose Brewster, Mark Pringle (Arcata Zen Group).
- Hooks and Ladders: Yesenia Renteria, Rochelle Herness, Kyla and Teri (AmeriCorps Watersheds Stewards Project).
- Upslope Monitoring of Forest Practice Rules: Andrea Tuttle (Coastal Commission).
- THP [Timber Harvesting Plan?] Monitoring Workshop: Chuck Powell (EPIC), Clark Fenton (Taxpayers for Headwaters).
- GIS (Geographic Information System) Mapping: Curtice Jacoby (LEGACY The Landscape Connection), Robert Parker (Trees Foundation).
- Poetry & Place (Jerry Martien).
- Yoga Stretching, Breathing & Relaxation: Rose Brewster.
Friday Dinner & Campfire:
Traditional Yurok Fish Fry meal of salmon and fried bread, hosted by the Yurok Tribe at the Yurok Village of Sumeg.
- Afterwards Yurok tribal elders discussed their history and culture- Frank Gist, Axel Lindgren, Walt Lara Sr. & Jr.
- Story of KR’R NIT’s Place at Patrick’s Point- Julian Land & Dell’Arte (Theater).
Saturday, September 6, 1997
The Spirit of Restoration: Freeman House.
This talk began by declaring that the great thing about watersheds is that they are visible and sensual containers of our collective being. Then, that the beauty of hands-on watershed restoration is that it allows the place itself to become out teacher. And that when we engage the particulars of our places we begin to relearn how to live in a context that has always been there but has in modern times become invisible. Further, that this gathering is a way to restore our watersheds, our communities, and ourselves. And also, that it is the restoration of relationships with each other and with living places that needs to be embodied and maintained as the ultimate goal. In short, ‘encouraging people to become people in place’.
For a full summary of this talk see ‘The Spirit of Restoration’.
Who Makes Restoration Decisions? The Evolving Relationships Between Community (Based Initiatives and Government Agencies): Freeman House, Leah Wills, Richard Marley.
The Decline of Forest Health Since Rio [Earth Summit, 1992], Ecological Sustainability Loses Out to Economic Globalization: Victor Menotti (Foundation for Deep Ecology).
Native American Basket Weaving: Susan Burdict (Wiyot Basket Garden-Table Bluff, Northern California Basket Weavers Project), Leona Wilkenson, Christine Kline. Also, Yurok basket-makers and other crafts-persons discussed their resources considerations.
Sustainable Food Services (A Delicious Choice): Janet Czarnecki, Becky Price-Hall, Kathryn Rifer, Eric Anderson (CSA [Community Supported Agriculture] Arcata Educational Farm).
Support for & Uses of GIS in Nonprofit Conservation: Charles Convis (ESRI, Environmental Systems Research Institute).
Humboldt Bay Trail: Jennifer Rice (RCAA, Redwood Community Action Agency).
Watershed Improvement Network: Ruth Blyther (RCAA), Doug Kelly (Humboldt Fish Action Council), Chris Heppe (EPA).
Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center Restoration Project: Michelle Berditschevsky.
Thirty-Year Historical & Cultural Look at Pacific Northwest: Tim McKay (Director of NEC, Northcoast Environmental Center) described a history of natural resources exploitation in the area, and the economic prospects for the local region with regard to the 30 year decline in timber employment.
Ecological Forestry (Art and Science of Sustainable Forestry): Bill Devall, Mike Barnes, David Simpson, Alan Wittbecker.
4 R’s (Rehabilitation, Roadless, Research & Recreation): A Proactive Citizen Approach: Von Tunstall.
Collaborating Across Organizational Boundaries For Effective Results: Marian Rose (Seal Rock Consulting Group).
Sensitive Watershed Ruling: Andrea Tuttle, Terry Roleoffs, Richard Gienger.
Seeds, Gardens & the Wild: Robert Greenway, Craig Dremann.
Planet Drum’s Green City Project.
Ecology & Community at the Del Norte Center: Bob Cox (California Conservation Corps (CCC) Klamath Service District).
Conservation Easements (Jacoby Creek, McKinleyville & Southern Oregon Land Trusts): Phillip Howard, Larry Margler, Barry Snitkin.
Making Recycling Work: Kate Krebs (Arcata Community Recycling Center Inc.).
Sustainable Economics in our Communities: Dan Ihara (Economics, HSU), Steve Hackett (Economics, HSU), Tim McKay (NEC), Leah Wills (Plumas Corp.), Paula Yoon (Habitat Restoration Consultant), Tracy Katelman (Trees Foundation).
Beyond Two-Party Politics (Achieving Local Success): Bob Ornales, Melanie Williams, Jason Kirpatrick, Jennifer Hanan, Mike Fienstein, Susan Mayer.
Saturday Workshops:
- Ecological Foot Prints: Neil Thomson (Campus Center for Appropriate Technology).
- Dismantling Corporate Rule: Paul Cienfuegos, Michelle Wallar (Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt Co.).
- Family Support, Advocacy & Retraining Displaced Workers: Marling McRenolds (Redway’s People Center).
- Helping the Economic Revival (Traditional Crafts and Trades): Eric & Vivian Hollenbeck (Blue Ox Mill).
- Ziraat (Earth Work and Spiritual Evolution): Sadig Michael Furniss.
- Eco-Psychology: Mary Gomes.
- Ecoteams: Susan Benoit, Holly Ganaway (AmeriCorps).
- Using Strawbale for Construction: David Booth (Synergistic Solution), Davo Witherspoon (ISAC [Information Sharing and Analysis Center?]).
- Community Gardening: Sharona Thompson, Howie Schanbolk (CCC/AmeriCorps, Cadre of Corps).
- Healing Ritual: Christine Furniss, Ginny McKee.
Saturday Evening Entertainment:
Four Yurok: Karok performers and poet Julian Lang narrated tribal and personal histories.
The Shasta Cabaret (Comedy by Human Nature): David Simpson & Jane Lapiner.
A comedic play about an abused watershed that pleads for its life at a County Agency.
Prose & Poetry: Jim Dodge, Jerry Martien.
Dodge brought to light that, “To understand natural systems is to begin an understanding of the self, its common and particular essences, literal self-interest in its barest terms”. Martien added that bioregionalism “is about care-taking in all its forms”.
Performance of Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax.
Water Web: Judy Goldhaft.
Judy performed a piece through prose and movement that described the nature, fundamentals, intricacies, and beauty of water.
Dancing with ’15 Fishons’, Salmon River Ecology Sound System & Home Front: Dance band members- Jim Hubbard, Dave Hallonski, Steve Derby, Samantha Olsen, Ed Castillo, Rick Nelson, Dave ‘Loaf’.
Sunday, September 7, 1997
Wilderness Environmental Education: RCSD, AmeriCorps Trinity County, Randi Anderson.
Blessing of the Blue Jays… A Reflection on the Ecological Self: Mike Davies.
Regional Perspective from the Length of the Coastal Temperate Rainforests: Seth Zuckerman.
Seth spoke upon his recent explorations north of Shasta Bioregion, from the coastal temperate rainforest and further north to Cordova, Alaska. This included the natural places and systems, the plants and animals, towns, changing circumstances, and the collapse of myths about the place. He stated it’s up to bioregionalist “to celebrate, revere and even mythologize the acts that are building a new, reinhabitory future”. Seth concluded by saying, “Shasta Bioregion is a little short on old-growth forests just now, on pristine watersheds, on thick salmon runs. No granite fjords or tidewater glaciers. But nowhere have I found a stronger community of people working to protect its place, fiercely and tenderly, with insight and joy”.
Bioregional Networking & Building Strategies for Social Change: [Presenter unknown, but may well have been by Peter Berg who is known to have given two talks within the weekend. Summaries of his two talks follow:]
- Peter Berg said that life-place considerations were in ascendency and would eventually prevail in Shasta Bioregion and other places. For one thing, reinhabitation is the only answer to living sustainably in the future and even local government people know this now. In addition, it’s the well-spring for new ideas, idealism, individual energy, and a legitimate context for ethics and values to shift from a society that exploits natural systems to one that lives harmoniously with them. Also, based on the attendance by a wide range of ages, there is at least a second generation to carry bioregionally inspired activities into the future.
- Peter Berg also spoke upon the subject “Discovery of Native Plants and Tide Pools”. In summary, he said the following. Trees, shrubs, grasses and other plants that originally grew in a place are termed native. Redwoods are native to Northern California, for instance, but palm trees are not. Native plants possess some obvious benefits: they can survive on natural, seasonal water supplies; they don’t require fertilizer, or exhaust available soils; and they are a desirable habitat for native birds and other animals. But the most desirable thing about them may be how learning about or cultivating native plants will open your eyes to many other features of your bioregion that are essential for their existence.
Salmon Skit: Amy Bruce & Randy Stemier.
Closing Ceremony/Thoughts: Chris Peters, a Native American representative of the Seventh Generation Foundation (SGF). The SGF mission is to “care today for seven generation’s of tomorrow by stewarding social and environmental progress in the communities we live, work and do business through education, environmental conservation, research and advocacy”.
Chris spoke about his father’s people from the Trinidad area are still dealing with the impact of 200 years of history massacres, holocaust, and forcible acculturation. That they are leaving the area as the spirit people left before they arrived. Also that there is a decline in Natives committed to ceremony, which requires a search for spirit within an ecosystem and communicating with it. And it is that search for spirit in nature that helps maintain a balanced ecosystem. Government policies and actions severely threaten this paradigm. Further, he mentioned that sacred places are not meaningful because Natives say they are important, they are sacred to a bioregion because without them things begin to fall apart. For sacred places to be saved, they need to be acknowledged by humans, and for bioregionalism to be effective a systematic change needs to occur. There has to be a growth beyond the anthropocentric, overly simplistic solutions that some spiritualties offer, into an embrace of a total world existence. A new revelation must take off where Native People stop, and ceremonies must be accepted by all, by environmentalist, businesses, and everyone. This type of community-binding happens only when a population embraces ceremony.
Closing Circle
- Information Exchange: During the Gathering there was a 60 foot long table covered with books on every topic related to the environment and social consciousness.
- Community Board: Schedule and message board with information, news, messages and notices.
- Children’s Activities: Supervised activities for children ages 5-15 during the morning and afternoon sessions. Moderated by HSU’s Youth Environmental Services House and AmeriCorps Watershed Project.
- Other Activities: Campfire singing, sunrise hikes, Zazen sitting (Gaia Pines and Michael Dow, Arcata Zen Group), Zen chanting, yoga breathing.
Humboldt County issues that are slowly increasing were touched upon, including: changing demographics, population pressures, traffic congestion, sprawling development, urban-style crime, and rising housing costs.
This SBG reflected how thoroughly bioregional ideas have begun to permeate both local culture and institutional thinking. Reports, poems, and performances were presented by long-time bioregional advocates: Freeman House, Jerry Martien (one poem recited was, “Digging the Immortals”), Jim Dodge, Judy Goldhaft, David Simpson, Jane Lapiner, Seth Zuckerman. Others gave reports, read poems (including Toni Ouradnick’s, ‘Dancing in Place’) or performed, and participated on panels with active participants from a wide range of ages. It is apparent that a second generation will carry bioregionally inspired activities into the future.
The featured events were a mix of practical and spiritual, emphasizing the fact that it will take a great deal of physical, mental and emotional work to restore the health of Shasta Bioregion.
The panels and workshops set the mood of the occasion. Presenters integrated detailed reports of their watersheds into their talks. The strong emphasis on practical, hands-on restorative practices, combined with a communal dedication to fun and acceptance left everyone feeling physically, and psychologically nourished. Evening presentations focused on dance, poetry, story-telling, theater, and music, strengthening the spirits of all in attendance. The Gatherings restoration theme resonated all four days, and the event was highly inspiring.
- Fee (includes 3 nights camping, 8 meals, insurance): $101 (On-site registration).
- Early Registration: (before July 1) $86.
- Pre-registration: (July 1 – September 1) $96.
- One Day Only Registration: (1 night camping & 3 meals) $32.
- Two Day {Thursday and Friday Registration) (2 nights camping & 5 meals) $64.
Participants Attending:
- 150-200 people.
(A registration list has the number at 229 people.)
Organizing Committee Members:
- Coordinator: KayDee Simon.
- Events Management Coordinator: Neil Thomson.
- Oversight: Peter Berg.
- Consultants: Bill Devall, Judy Goldhaft, Freeman House, Jane Lapiner, Jerry Martien, Tim McKay, David Simpson.
- Cooking: Nancy Lambert and CCC Klamath Service District.
- Program Desktop Publishing: Tracy Katelman/Trees Foundation.
North Coast Sponsors:
- Alternate Energy Engineers,
- Americorps: Cadre of Corps,
- Arcata Co-op,
- Arcata Zen Group,
- Bug Press (printing),
- California Conservation Corps: Humboldt Center and Klamath Service District,
- Campus Center for Appropriate Technology,
- Coastal Conservancy,
- Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County,
- Ecoforestry institute,
- Environmental Protection Information Center,
- The Foundation for Deep Ecology,
- Greens of Humboldt County,
- Home Front,
- HOPE Coalition,
- HSU Media,
- Human Nature,
- Institute for Sustainable Forestry,
- Klamath Forest Alliance,
- Mattole Restoration Council,
- Mendocino Environmental Center,
- Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecological Center,
- Northcoast Environmental Center,
- Northcoast Journal,
- Patrick’s Point State Park,
- Planet Drum Foundation,
- Redwood Community Action Agency,
- Redwood Alliance,
- Redwood National and State Parks,
- Salmonid Restoration Federation,
- Salmon River Restoration Council,
- Seal Rock Consulting Group,
- Seventh Generation Fund,
- Sierra Club: North Group Redwood Chapter,
- Siskiyou Project,
- Smith River Alliance,
- Solutions,
- Strawberry Creek Collection,
- Times Standard,
- Trees Foundation,
- Trinity Alps Botanicals,
- USA Watershed Stewards Project & Watershed Project,
- YES House,
- Yurok Tribe.
Donors & Volunteer Workers:
For the complete list see the Planet Drum 1997 Annual Report.
Outreach & Publicity:
Raise The Stakes (Summer, 1997). Announcement about the Gathering.

The Bay Guardian (August 27 – September 2, 1997; Vol. 31, #48; p. 121). Announcement and short summary about the Gathering.
- A summary of the proceedings of Bioregional Gathering 5 was compiled and edited by Annie Pyatak. It was available in the monthly newsletter of the Northcoast Environmental Center ‘Econews’ (November 1997; Vol. 27, No. 10) in an insert entitled “Highlights from Bioregional Gathering 5”.
- The Times Standard [Eureka newspaper] (Monday, September 8, 1997), “Shasta Gathering Looked at Change”, by David Anderson. Summary of Shasta Gathering.
- Capital Press (September 19, 1997). “Klamath River Interests Pool Ideas, Watershed Conference Focuses on Cooperation to Aid Watershed”, by Tam Moore.
- Bay Area Permaculture Guild (Winter 1997-98, Volume 1, Number 5; p. 9), by Andrea Taylor. Shasta Bioregional Gathering 5.
Previous to the Shasta Bioregional Gathering V were four Planning Meetings, held between November 1995 and March 1996. Summaries of the meetings can be found here.
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