- Website: AllTogetherNow!
- Contact: Janice Walrafen
- Email: alltogethernowvtvt@gmail.com
- Telephone: 802-223-1242
- Mailing Address:
170 Cherry Tree Hill Rd.
East Montpelier, VT 05651 - Social Media: Facebook
AllTogetherNow! carries a vision of people living and working together in celebration of life through art, music, dance, puppet theatre, gardens, respect for all living beings, and FUN! We host a co-housing association, preschool, classes and workshops, tile studio, community gardens, and organize annual seasonal celebrations.
Bioregion Description:
We are located in the Winooski River Headwaters bioregion of central Vermont. The Winooski is the largest of 3 ancient rivers that cut across the Green Mountains from east to west and flow into Lake Champlain.
Bioregional Drawings, Photos, Poems, Music, Recipes: