November 19-23, 2007

We began the week by welcoming a new volunteer Matt from Iowa and kicked things off with a much needed house cleanup. Then set out for the hills to water the Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas and La Cruz revegetation sites.

On Tuesday a traveler, Max, joined up for the day, and we showed him how to do things at Planet Drum by watering Bosque Encantado. Afterwards we split into groups; some cut stakes and then hitched a ride with Ricardito to the new site on Don Pepe’s land. Once there the stakes were carried up the hill and set in holes which had been prepared to build a fence. The other group went to water at the El Toro site and then at the greenhouse. While at the greenhouse they also cleaned up the area around the extension.
On Wednesday everyone went to Maria Dolores and Don Pepe, the sites were watered and then we split into groups. Some carried stakes for fence posts over to another new site (‘El Nuevo Globo’) on the other side of the same watershed. A fence needs to be built there as well to keep out cattle. While volunteers carried the stakes, I cleared the fence line with a machete. Jaime with the other group began barbwire work at the Don Pepe 2 site.
Thursday morning I did some work in the office and then had a meeting with Nicola Mears of Rio Muchacho and Ronald Zambrano, head of the environmental department of the Municipio. We discussed various issues relating to the challenges Bahia is facing in regards to its Eco-city goals. Meanwhile, the crew of volunteers set out for action. One group went to the greenhouse to water and do weeding and upkeep. Another went with Jaime to work on the barbwire at Don Pepe 2.

And the last group went to work on the Nuevo Globo fence. They dug holes and set Moyuyo stakes in them.

Darline took some GPS coordinates of the site. That evening we celebrated Thanksgiving with a huge feast at our house.
On Friday we went to the greenhouse. The plants were watered. Algarrobo seeds which had germinated in the house were planted into 3-liter bottles prepared with soil. The compost was dumped off and turned. Jaime worked on the fence at Don Pepe 2. In the afternoon I met with the Mayor to get a letter for a visa extension.
Hasta luego,
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