Clay Plager-Unger

Clay Plager-Unger is the former director of Planet Drum Foundation's Eco-Ecuador project.

Planting Seedlings & Making Compost

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 30, 2012

March-April, 2012 It’s been the rainiest wet season that I’ve seen in my five years in Bahia. This has been fine for Bahia and the immediately surrounding areas, but other wetter regions (inland and to the north) have suffered greatly in the past few months from extreme excesses of water. Bear in mind that Bahia is part of Dry Tropical Forest and the “rainy season” […]

Planting Sites, Making a Cob Oven, & Distributing Trees

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 29, 2012

January-February, 2012 Note: There are lots of photos in this report . This year three new revegetation sites have been created and are ready to plant with trees raised at the greenhouse. Trails were cleared with machetes and holes dug in anticipation of the rainy season which began, as it typically does, right around the beginning of January. Once the rains moistened up the soil, […]

Greenhouse Maintenance & New Sites

By Clay Plager-Unger | December 19, 2011

October 31-December 19, 2011 The past month and a half has been dedicated to greenhouse maintenance and to watering the trees in bottles that will be transplanted once the rains begin. In the field two new sites have been started, one in El Toro on a piece of government land being used by a local friend who asked us for trees to plant on the […]

5,000 Trees Ready for Planting

By Clay Plager-Unger | October 28, 2011

August 29-October 28, 2011 The past couple of months have been spent focusing on the greenhouse and getting trees ready for planting in the 2012 rainy season. We have surpassed 5,000 trees that will be ready. We have a ton of native fruit trees (Guayaba, Pechiche, and Chirimoya) and lots and lots of other species. Fruit trees tend to be good for donating to the […]

Seed Collecting, Visitors and a Visit to the Institute Land

By Clay Plager-Unger | August 26, 2011

June 28-August 26, 2011            Pásalo bien,                 Clay

Repurposing Plastic bottles into Planters for Seedlings

By Clay Plager-Unger | June 27, 2011

May 31-June 27, 2011 June started off with a parade to celebrate international day of the environment. Bahians love to celebrate days dedicated to causes, and they love to parade. It happened to be a great opportunity for the Bioregionalistas to show off their brand new Planet Drum tee-shirts, so we decided to join the festivities. The parade went well, and afterwards, different people had […]

Collecting Seeds and Preparing Seedbeds & Sites

By Clay Plager-Unger | May 30, 2011

April 7–May 30, 2011 May marked the arrival of numerous new volunteers. There’s Chris from Germany, Jack from Australia, Guillaume from France, Michelle from the US (Oregon), Dennis from New York, Anja from England and Celine and Liberto, also from France. As you can imagine, our productivity has increased accordingly. The volunteers have been incredibly involved in the projects and some have brought their own […]

The Dry Season is Creeping In

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 7, 2011

March 4-April 7, 201 Things have slowed considerably volunteer-wise the past month, but there is a recent new arrival, Chris, from Germany, and more arrivals slated for the coming weeks. During the past month, Orlando and I have managed to keep things running on our own. The rainy season appears to be slowly making its exit, and the dry season is creeping in. Fortunately there […]

Tons of Tree Plantings & Celebrations

By Clay Plager-Unger | March 3, 2011

February-March 3, 2011 The past few weeks have been filled with lots of sun, hard work, and above all tons of tree planting. The Dr. Parra revegetation site has been completed and is the largest site to date with just over 700 native trees planted on a series of hills which wrap around his property. The amount of work that goes into an endeavor of […]

Prepping and Planting in Perfect Weather for Plants

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 3, 2011

January-February 3, 2011 Welcome to 2011. This year we are starting off with more trees in the greenhouse than ever before. The rainy season commenced in late December and after a slow start appears to have really gotten going now with regular rains and sprinkles during many of the nights. The days are hot, humid and sunny, perfect for the plants. The volunteer situation has […]