Clay Plager-Unger

Clay Plager-Unger is the former director of Planet Drum Foundation's Eco-Ecuador project.

Bahia Ecociudad is a model, Planet Drum receives revegetation awards.

By Clay Plager-Unger | March 25, 2010

Feb. 23-Mar. 25, 2010 The big news of the month is that Planet Drum has changed houses, so the office and living space for the volunteers is now in a new location (304 Calle Riofrío). Since it’s only a block and a half away from our former apartment, it’s not that different, but it feels like a large change, and has been a significant amount […]

A painted stake for every tree planted.

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 23, 2010

Feb.1-23, 2010 Welcome to the heart of the rainy season. There’s been precipitation during multiple nights of the week for the past month. Sometimes it comes down quite hard (nothing extreme yet, fortunately) and other times it lightly sprinkles throughout the course of the night. A light rain that lasts for a long time is considered the best. If it rains too fast, the soil […]

Planting begins, and plastic bottle recycling projects.

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 29, 2010

Jan.16-29, 2010 Although not in full swing yet, the rainy season is here and it’s been drizzling frequently and raining on occasion, enough for the trees (and weeds) to burst with growth. Also, there have been some new additions to the volunteer work force and we’ve got quite a team now. There’s Jake and Ashley from Michigan, who’ve been with us for over a month […]

Welcome new Field Foreman Orlando.

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 15, 2010

Dec. 30, 2009-Jan.15, 2010 We’ve been getting holes, trails and sites ready in preparation for the oncoming rainy season, which officially began over the weekend of January 9-10th. As mentioned in the previous report, three revegetation sites had been completed and a fourth is about two-thirds ready for planting. 1,000 holes have been dug at the sites thus far and are ready for immediate planting. […]

We’ll be spending our days chopping trails and digging holes.

By Clay Plager-Unger | December 29, 2009

Dec.12-29, 2009 Rains! Well, just about. It’s been drizzling and lightly raining on a somewhat consistent basis, mostly at the night, during the past couple weeks. Although it hasn’t rained enough to make the office/apartment roof leak (which doesn’t take all that much), there’s been enough to cause plants in the greenhouse to begin budding and show signs of new leafs and growth. Very soon […]

By the time the rains hit, we will have trails leading to approximately 3,000 holes waiting for their native tree to be planted.

By Clay Plager-Unger | October 6, 2009

Sept. 23-Oct.6, 2009 Work on the first new revegetation site (for 2010) has commenced. With machetes we clear trails to be able to navigate the site and holes are dug for planting the trees once the rains begin (late December or early January?). This site is actually a piece of land that is owned by William Zambrano, a neighbor of the Planet Drum apartment/office in […]

During the past two weeks, all ten sites from this year (2009) were visited and received water.

By Clay Plager-Unger | September 22, 2009

Sept.7-22, 2009 The lull in volunteer help subsided and we welcomed the arrival of six new volunteers. Mateo helped show them the ropes and after he left, I became the only North American left. Now there is an Australian couple, two German girls traveling together and another who showed up last minute as well as a Belgian forestry student. With all of the new hands, […]

Seed collecting.

By Clay Plager-Unger | September 4, 2009

Aug. 17-Sept. 4, 2009 Upon my return from a two week trip the U.S. to visit family and friends and be forcibly reminded of why I love life in Ecuador so much, things had quieted down considerably. Five volunteers had departed during that time, but not before they watered the majority of the revegetation sites. Thanks Jessica, Keara, Aaron, Liz and Jane! The only ones […]

Chino helps care for sites with a truck and two water tanks and the trees respond well.

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 30, 2009

July 2-30, 2009 This time of the year, the dry season, requires maintenance for the revegetation sites that were planted this past rainy season as well as producing new trees in the greenhouse for next year’s sites. We’ve been watering sites on a regular basis. Recently I met with our friend Chino and he now helps out with two places that don’t have water access […]

Bioregional Sustainability Institute (BSI) Progress Report

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 29, 2009

July 2 & July 29, 2009 In one long epic day we drove in to the Planet Drum land with a load of Bamboo (Caña) to begin the first structure for the Bioregional Sustainability Institute: a tent platform. This was the first trip with a motorized vehicle. Chino (the one and only, the incredible) drove his full-sized diesel truck. Along the way we cleared eroding […]