David Simpson and Jane Lapiner

Copenhagen (COP 15) 2009
Report #2, What is the Copenhagen Climate Conference Like?

By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner | December 16, 2009

Report #2 December 16, 2009By David Simpson  and Jane Lapiner What is the Copenhagen Climate Conference Like? Being at COP 15* in Copenhagen is an experience for which there is no adequate precedent, especially for a climate-change conference novice like myself. I admit that I have never before attended an event with 30,000 other people who were all talking about how to save the human species. […]

Copenhagen (COP 15) 2009
Report #1, En Route to Copenhagen

By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner | December 16, 2009

Report #1 December 11, 2009By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner En Route to Copenhagen The first challenge to our sortie out into the world, for which the intention is to be present at the higher councils where the climate crisis might be diminished, came before we’d even gotten out of Humboldt County. It was during the security check at the Arcata Airport. A friendly TSA guard, while […]