Peter Berg

Peter Berg (1937-2011), the social-revolutionary thinker, writer, ecologist, environmental activist and founder of Planet Drum Foundation, died on July 28, 2011, after a sudden case of pneumonia complicated by his bout with lung cancer. He was an unforgettable personality for anyone who made his acquaintance over the past several decades.

You can view, below, a complete archive of Peter’s works that are on this website. We've also published a selected bibliography of some of his essential writings, and a collection of appreciations of Peter from around the world.


By Peter Berg | October 21, 1973

A bioregion is defined in terms of the unique overall pattern of natural characteristics that are found in a specific place. The main features are generally found throughout a continuous geographic terrain and include a particular climate, local aspects of seasons, landforms, watersheds, soils, and native plants and animals. People are also counted as an integral aspect of a place’s life, as can be seen […]


By Peter Berg | March 24, 1970

…on the summer solstice in 1968, the Diggers began radiating out from San Francisco to other regions and cities to spread their anti-materialistic and increasingly earth-centered ideas. Homeskin was a statement of vision and intent for this exodus. It expands what had been the Diggers’ mainly urban experiment with mutualistic anarchism to now embrace the vast natural interdependence found in Earth’s biosphere. It was specifically […]


By Peter Berg | December 20, 1966

GUERILLA THEATER Our authorized sanities are so many Nembutals. “Normal” citizens with store-dummy smiles stand apart from each other like cotton-packed capsules in a bottle. Perpetual mental out-patients. Maddeningly sterile jobs for strait-jackets, love scrubbed into an insipid “functional personal relationship” and Art as a fantasy pacifier. Everyone is kept inside while the outside is shown through windows: advertising and manicured news. And we all […]