Bahía Eco-Club Collaboration

There is a new ecological club in town, Bahía Eco-Club, which connects youth volunteers,  local students and international volunteers on environmental projects, such as tree-planting. Planet Drum has been assisting them with technical advice, volunteers, and trees. In cooperation with the Eloy Alfaro school in Bahía de Caráquez, they are implementing a new greenhouse operation and recycling center, utilizing an area of the school which has been abandoned since the 2016 earthquake to plant fruit trees, build a greenhouse, and collected recycled materials. Planet Drum has been participating with them on a weekly basis.

To learn more about the Bahía Eco-Club program, visit this website.

Tree planting workshop with the Bahía Eco-Club, Planet Drum volunteers, and students at the Eloy Alfaro School.
Maya Normandi, Program Assistant for Bahía Eco-Club, instructing students on tree planting benefits and techniques.
During the inauguration of the Eco-Bahía project at the Eloy Alfaro school, the program director Marcelo Cedeño teaches local and international volunteers about tree planting while planting native fruit trees grown at Planet Drum’s greenhouse.
Building a new greenhouse facility with Bahía Eco-Club at the Eloy Alfaro School.
Eloy Alfaro School students planting trees.

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