
The Next Five Years Begin on a Dry Note

By Peter Berg / June 19, 2004 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Yellow squares of rice drying in front yards seen from the bus window on the six-hour ride out to Bahia from Guayaquil seemed a little early. It was the most sparse & peculiar rainy season since the Eco-city Declaration five years ago. Starting late in January, it gave up February and stayed truant […]

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Learning to Partner with a Life-Place

By Peter Berg / June 12, 2004 / Comments Off on Learning to Partner with a Life-Place

Learning to Partner With a Life-Place is the outline of a first year bioregional curriculum. It was first published June 12, 2004 as Dispatch #1 from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador.  On a fog-wet spring morning in San Francisco, our unusual urban group climbed to the top of a rock promontory midway along a canyon trail […]

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Creating a strong network of ecologists in which to exchange information and seeds—Mike Morgan.

By Renée Portanova / May 29, 2004 / 0 Comments

Letter May 29, 2004 Hey Peter,I’m feeling much better! Here is the week in review for May 24th thru the 29th. Monday we started the barbed wire fencing at Jorge Lomas Canal.  We accomplished an amazing amount in one day, thanks to the help of two very enthusiastic sojourners from the USA.  Wes and Zan had been […]

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Letter to Peter with News

By Renée Portanova / May 11, 2004 / 0 Comments

May 11, 2004   Hey Peter, The fencing project is giving me a pain in my stomach.  We bought some barbed wire and tried, unsuccessfully, to put together a prototype this afternoon.  I have some doubts about the use of barbed wire in areas where there are children (Jorge Lomas Canal and Hill). Also it seems the soil is just […]

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Revegetation Journal – 04/30/04

By Renée Portanova / April 30, 2004 / 0 Comments

Monday April 26, 2004 The three of us cleared trails at the Universidad Catolica site.  The unexpected rain over this past weekend initiated a green growth spurt and the undesirable vegetation has been running wild amongst our transplants.  The thorough work we had done previously at the site paid off.  We were able to maneuver through the site […]

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News and Revegetation Journal – 04/18/04

By Renée Portanova / April 17, 2004 / 0 Comments

News April 17, 2004   Sorry for the delay, we had some electricity problems yesterday in Bahia. Just to clarify, do you think we should continue to plant the dry-tolerant species and transfer the others into larger sacks?  Is it possible to get burlap sacks rather than plastic bags…they are biodegradable and more organic than plastic? Attached is a […]

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Ecuador Project Report: Renée Portanova, March 2004

By Renée Portanova / March 30, 2004 / 0 Comments

Renée Portanova, Volunteer Planet Drum Foundation Revegetation Journal March 5, 2004   Tree Species(Latin names available by contacting     Guayacan Colorado Muyuyo de montana  Jigua Canela Jigua bedionda Cascol Amarillo Guachepeli Chirimoya Algarrobo Fernan Sanchez Ceibo Pechiche             January 26, 2004 Although it is the rainy season in Bahia de Caraquez it hasn’t rained in nearly three weeks.  […]

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Report and Response to the Letter

By Brian Teinert / March 27, 2004 / 0 Comments

Hi Peter and Elise, It looks like you guys have been doing some good work in San Fran.  I like the looks of the curriculum. Unfortunately, I will not be here when most of it is carried out. We had an Amigos de Eco-ciudad  meeting—these are the main points covered. Planet Drum work for the […]

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Ecuador Project Reports: Brian Teinert, Jan.–Mar. 2004

By Brian Teinert / March 27, 2004 / Comments Off on Ecuador Project Reports: Brian Teinert, Jan.–Mar. 2004

Brian TeinertField Project Manager Planet Drum Foundation January 5, 2004 Reneé Portanova will undoubtedly be a great member of our team.  We have been in contact and I am looking forward to her arrival in Bahia on January 19th.    I am excited about Natalie Pollard coming as well.  At the moment, we have 3 volunteers […]

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Letter to Brian & Renee

By Peter Berg and Elise Braaten / March 26, 2004 / 0 Comments

March 26, 2004 Dear Brian and Renée, This is a combined message from Peter & Elise to share our thoughts after an intensive week of bioregional education research, discussion & melding of ideas. “Transparency” is the intended keynote for this, and we eagerly invite a four-part discussion now that the attempt has been made to lay some […]

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