
Green City Project: Eco-Art Contest (a photo essay)

By Planet Drum Staff / March 21, 1999 / 0 Comments

Green City Project’s Eco-Art Contest was celebrated at SOMAR Gallery on March 21, 1999. Thirteen Middle and High Schools in San Francisco participated by submitting over 75 eco-art and recycled art entries. Prizes were given out for 18 entries, some of which were collaborative class projects. Prizes and refreshments were graciously donated by University Art Supply, San […]

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Model Law for Eco-Municipalities

By Peter Berg / March 1, 1999 / 0 Comments

In February, 1999, Peter Berg, Director of Planet Drum Foundation, traveled to Bahía de Caráquez in Ecuador, on an invitation to collaborate in discussions about the future of the human and natural environment of the area, which has been ravished by natural calamities over the past several years. Out of these meetings (which Peter has […]

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“Viva Eco-Bahia!”

By Peter Berg / February 25, 1999 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Eco-gathering (This is probably the last account of events here until after the Eco-Gathering February 27-28. In fact, there may not be a chance to send another before leaving Ecuador March 6 because of uncertainty about travel and e-capability.) The barrio of Santa Martinita is a workers’ district of cement block […]

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“Put some air into our lungs!” (Bahia audience member)

By Peter Berg / February 21, 1999 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Eco-gathering Report #5 Our species has probably been as intelligent, creative and physically similar for at least the last 100,000 years. Agriculture has been practiced for only about the last 10,000 years, or one-tenth of that time. The Industrial Era probably began in the middle of the 17th Century, but has […]

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Letters of Support Requested

By Peter Berg / February 20, 1999 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Letter #2 Dear Friends, If you are part of an informal group or belong to an organization that is associated with bioregional activities or sustainability in any form, please write an e-letter of congratulations and support to Patricio Tamariz and the Ecuador Eco-Gathering in Bahia de Caraquez at archtour@srv1.telconet.netso that it can […]

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3rd World or 3rd Planet?

By Peter Berg / February 18, 1999 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Eco-gathering Report #4 Finding enjoyable aspects of Bahia is as easy for a stranger as anywhere I’ve been. All of the most populous areas of the city — market, ferry landing, municipal building and downtown businesses — are within a few blocks of each other. Walking to them is so full […]

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Eco-Bahia Support Group Forming

By Peter Berg / February 17, 1999 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Letter #1 Dear Friends, Nicola & Dario spent several hours with Patricio, Flor-Maria & myself last night planning an Eco-Bahia Support Group meeting for later this week. A group of 50 or so including both officials and barrio leaders, youth and worker sectors will divide into committees to support aspects of […]

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Two And a Half Doses of Realidad

By Peter Berg / February 16, 1999 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Eco-Gathering Report #3 Even when you know what it is, the government-provided shack village at Fanca for people who were made homeless by the mudslides and earthquake here is a powerfully stark and incomprehensible sight. All of the 50 or so rough-finished wood stilt and bamboo-sided dwellings are above your head […]

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“Will It Rain Forever?” (Flor-Maria Tamariz)

By Peter Berg / February 11, 1999 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador — Report #2 It’s unbelievable that a small city that was already visited last year by an El Nino about four times as severe as the worst one in previous recent experience could once again endure a hillside-saturating and road-swamping season, this time by La Nina. But it has rained almost […]

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Latitude 0 Degrees, 36 Minutes South

By Peter Berg / February 11, 1999 / 0 Comments

Report From Ecuador #1 It’s in the humid summerish 80s Fahrenheit here a few minutes south of the equator, with curtain-rippling breezes and light gray clouds. The small city of Bahia de Caraquez (named as though it was a whole bay in the ocean) is shaped like a thumb (with the part of the hand […]

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