Tonics for Disinhabitation — Bundle #10 Scans

Tonics for Disinhabitation

Planet Drum Bundle #10, 2005 – Envelope: white 10”x13” with black ink graphic of four seasonal rubber stamps along the left side. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #10, 2005 – Tonics for Disinhabitation by Peter Berg. Introduces the poems and their seasonal use. Introduction and poems letterpress printed by Eric Holub at Hillside Press. 8.5”x4.25” Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #10, 2005 – Four Poems for seasonal use by Peter Berg

  • San Francisco Bioregional Chant (1974) – title: printed gray, 8”x8”
  • Invisible Except For a Nervous System (1996) Maine – title: printed green,  8”x8”
  • Shasta Bioregion Winter Solstice (1997) – title: printed dark gray,  8”x8”
  • Solstice Solo (For Lew Welch) (2003) San Francisco – title: printed orange,  8”x8”

Digital images courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi