Eco-Decentralist Design — Bundle #8 Scans

Eco-Decentralist Design

Typeset and printed by Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, New York. Published by Planet Drum Foundation (3 booklets)

Planet Drum Bundle #8, 1982 – Envelope: white 9.5”x9.5” printed with black ink with the graphic of an apple tree growing out of city by Gary Allen. The text is Eco-Decentralist Design with new customs, watershed and energy planning, sustainable communities stacked below the title. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #8, 1982 – Introductory Sheet for the Eco-Decentralist Design bundleAn introduction—“There is a way to conceive of energy production and use, and community development, so that we don’t ultimately destroy the places where we live.” and summary of the three booklets. On the reverse is information about the Planet Drum Foundation and a listing of some of its publications. 8.5”x11” Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #8, 1982 – Figures of Regulation, Guides for Re-Balancing Society with the Biosphere by Peter Berg. Design by George Tukel, Diane Ghisone, Gary Allen, Erich Blohm and Illustrations by Gary Allen. A discussion of social values in the context of bioregionalism. “The ways we live in places must acknowledge the features of local natural systems. Figures of Regulation can help create this bond and provide an ethical basis for community activities based on new customs rather than laws.” 15 pages 8.5”x8.5” booklet. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #8, 1982 – Toward a Bioregional Model: Clearing Ground for Watershed Planning “A Map Is Not A Blueprint/Support For Adaptive Tactics/Planning For Necessity And Flexibility” by George Tukel. Design by Diane Ghisonne, Erich Blohm, Gary Allen. Illustrations by Gary Allen. Special thanks to Paul Ryan, Steve Tukel. Developing a model to allow the design of communities and means of provision (food, energy, housing) to resonate with solar income, local watersheds, and the goals of a reinhabitory society. The focus is on community well-being, human services, and the integrity of local ecosystems rather than construction details and political climate. 21 pages 8.5”x8.5” booklet. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #8, 1982 – Reinhabiting Cities and Towns: Designing for Sustainability by John Todd with George Tukel. Graphics & design by Peter Davey with illustrations by Gary Allen & Peter Davey. Special thanks to Nancy Jack Todd and Steve Tukel. It presents a design method to combine the knowledge we have about alternative technology and renewable energy with the biology of specific regions and thoroughly examines practical applications. The goal is to create “beautiful, healing, and inviting” places to live by fusing nature and culture. 64 pages 8.5”x8.5” booklet. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi