Reinhabit the Hudson Estuary 1 — Bundle #9 Scans

Reinhabit the Hudson Estuary 1

Planet Drum Bundle #9, 1985 – Envelope: white 10”x13” printed with black ink with Striped Bass in rectangle graphic by Gary Allen with text Reinhabit the Hudson Estuary and Hudson Estuary Bundle. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #9, 1985 – Introductory letter by the Planet Drum Staff (Bob, Judy, Lori and Peter) The letter provided an overview of the bundle’s articles and introduced the bundle as a surprise “special bonus” publication for Planet Drum Members.  It also encouraged readers to produce bundles reflecting  their own bioregions. Planet Drum Staff asked, “Can the human population in the watershed of the lower Hudson River…ever be reharmonized with the natural entities that made inhabitation there possible in the first place? Can New York actually rejoin the planet? If that inspired and necessary outcome ever takes place it will be through recognition of basic realities offered in this bundle. …Taste it again, New York as part of the planet, apple trees in the Big Apple. Is that too far-feched?” Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #9, 1985 – Totem Striped Bass graphic by Gary Allen on the front. On the reverse is the Bundle introduction by George Tukel, who notes that the bundle was produced by Earthscore and George Tukel and includes a call for readers  to get involved with the restoration and maintenance of the Hudson Estuary Bioregional Community. 4.5”x11” Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #9, 1985 – The Hudson, at Storm King, a poem by Kirkpatrick Sale with photograph by Susan Foster Brown. Storm King is the site of a successful popular protest against Consolidated Edison’s attempt to divert Hudson water to generate electricity. 8.5”x11” Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #9, 1985 – The Lower Hudson River Basin As a Bioregional Community booklet, by Thomas Berry with drawings by Ilka List, design by Tina Christensen. Dedication: “ To Pete Seeger: For his songs and celebrations of the River,” This essay uncovers many aspects of the river—the shaping of the land, the aquatic life, the forests, the land fauna, the Indians, the European presence, and the basin as a bioregion—truly a college level class. And then speaks of the present as necessarily developing “a biocentric consciousness, a realization that the ultimate value is in the integrity of the life processes of the region as a whole and that the true grandeur of the human is attained in this larger context, not simply in the human in itself or in its dominance over the larger community.” 18 page 7”x8.5” booklet. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #9, 1985 – Reinhabit the Hudson Estuary is a map of the watershed of the Hudson River  designed by Claude Pousot. It celebrates the 130 miles of tidal flow in the Hudson from the Atlantic Ocean to Troy, New York and delimits an estuarial geography for new political issues.  25”x32” Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi

Planet Drum Bundle #9, 1985 – A Pole Frame House at the base of the northeastern leg of the Shawangunk mountains  Pages from a solar house design notebook with text and concept by George Tukel, graphics by Gary Allen, that provides a sustainable  approach for fulfilling basic human needs in the Hudson River area. Includes bioregional construction, technology, farming design criteria. With a 7.5”x5” note attached that begins, “Dear Peter and Judy, All our loose kitchen table talk about how reinhabitation, technology and communities fold together within the Hudson estuary have meant hours at the drawing board looking for a pattern that connects human needs and the health of the estuary…”  Four pages 11”x26” folded. Digital image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi