Bioregion and Human Location was a talk that Peter gave at the University of North Carolina in 1982 (published originally in All Area #2, Spring 1983). It lays out the argument that “there has to be a new politics based on reincorporating the social and natural sciences together in a way that is appropriate for developing a planetarian civilization.” It’s been a ferocious run the […]
This is an improvisation guide for performing stories that come specifically from native northern California Pomo. Maidu, Karok and Pit River tribal traditions. The “coyote stories” feature human/animal characters and were told around fires during the rainy winter months for both entertainment and philosophical reference to human and planet events. * * * The stories embody multi-species consciousness; human beings as such don’t have to […]
Planet Drum Continent Congress Bundle (1976) Reprinted 1992 Amble Toward Continent Congress is a manifesto to overcome the politics of extinction, the Earth-colonist globalism which exhausts whole continents, their people, and moves now to devastate deep floors of our planetary oceans. This piece was distributed with one of the early Planet Drum Bundles, and was written to counter the patriotic fervor of the US Bicentennial in 1976. […]
A bioregion is defined in terms of the unique overall pattern of natural characteristics that are found in a specific place. The main features are generally found throughout a continuous geographic terrain and include a particular climate, local aspects of seasons, landforms, watersheds, soils, and native plants and animals. People are also counted as an integral aspect of a place’s life, as can be seen […]