
The Reinhabitory Theater

By Judy Goldhaft | January 4, 2023

The 1970s were a time of reevaluating social values and considering appropriate modes for long term existence in particular life-places (bioregions.) In California, the first peoples had dynamic interactive relationships with all aspects of the ecology; Europeans brought industrial ecological exploitation for gold and other “resources.” As people began redicovering non-industrial ways to relate to each other and the places they lived, reinhabitory considerations emerged. […]

Not for Tourists: the Planet Drum Roadshow

By Planet Drum Staff | May 24, 1984

Reviewed by Pierce Butler in Voice of the Turtle, 5/ 24/ 84 at the First North American Bioregional Congress The Siskiyou Mountains came to the heartland prairies Wednesday night – they glowed, they swam, they leaped and sang and told long stories without a beginning or an end. With a little help from a white cape and a series of intimate slides, Judy Goldhaft started […]

Reinhabitory Theater

By Peter Berg | April 1, 1978

This is an improvisation guide for performing stories that come specifically from native northern California Pomo. Maidu, Karok and Pit River tribal traditions. The “coyote stories” feature human/animal characters and were told around fires during the rainy winter months for both entertainment and philosophical reference to human and planet events. * * * The stories embody multi-species consciousness; human beings as such don’t have to […]