Peter Berg

Nanao Sakaki

By Peter Berg | December 31, 2008

Nanao Sakaki, internationally renowned as a contemporary Taoist sage/poet, departed to become another part of the wide Universe on the Winter Solstice December 23, 2008. His work will gain in both fame and usefulness as it ages. It has the combination of innocence and lightning-like insight of other masters in his tradition. Here are two pieces that exhibit the power of Sakaki’s language and presence. […]

A Slice Through Layers of Days

By Peter Berg | October 25, 2008

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador October’s gray, overcast skies in coastal Ecuador are generally constant and cover over even sunrise and set (caida del sol or “fall of the sun”). This makes for pleasantly cool weather despite melancholy moods. It has been called “the gringo month” even though tourists are mostly absent because of the resemblance to Seattle or London (and perhaps the tendency to stare ahead […]

An Experience of Social Worth

By Peter Berg | October 17, 2008

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Bahia de Caraquez is a working lesson in urban livability that collapsing industrial society urgently needs to adopt. For a transition toward a more sustainable future, new techniques and practices alone aren’t enough. By themselves they give off a chilly contrived feeling that rings false and heightens a sense of displacement rather than belonging. There needs to be a spirit and […]

Overview of John Berger

By Peter Berg | October 16, 2008

John Berger belongs to a school of European intellectualism in particular that is internationalist, humanistic and strongly left-wing. Once all-pervasive and still dominant in some areas (labor unions come to mind), it can be found scattered among journalists, artists, academics, novelists, film directors, critics, and many other fields. Some of the general characteristics of the group are supremely evident in Berger’s writing: polyglot sensibility, enraged […]

Introduction to Interview with Maria Soledad Vela About “Rights of Nature” in New Ecuador Constitution

By Peter Berg | October 16, 2008

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Ecuador has just ratified a new constitution overflowing with innovations that make it a trail-blazing 21st Century governing document. Environmental awareness and protection are recognized on a particularly high level in response to present day revelations about local destruction of habitat and species as well as planetary climate change. These are covered as extensively as might be hoped for in sections of […]

Meeting Thomas Berry, Biospherean

By Peter Berg | July 1, 2008

 Meeting Thomas Berry, Biospherean was written in 2008 to go into a “book of appreciations” celebrating  Berry’s 93rd birthday. Thomas Berry watches the same eclipse of the sun that we all see. Many observors are shocked by the gradual loss of light and point at the darkness, shouting alarms. Thomas concentrates on the bright nimbus continuing around the shadow. He believes the full sun will gradually […]