
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

“Will It Rain Forever?” (Flor-Maria Tamariz)

By Peter Berg | February 11, 1999

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador — Report #2 It’s unbelievable that a small city that was already visited last year by an El Nino about four times as severe as the worst one in previous recent experience could once again endure a hillside-saturating and road-swamping season, this time by La Nina. But it has rained almost every day, sometimes extremely heavily, for the last week. Concern […]

Latitude 0 Degrees, 36 Minutes South

By Peter Berg | February 11, 1999

Report From Ecuador #1 It’s in the humid summerish 80s Fahrenheit here a few minutes south of the equator, with curtain-rippling breezes and light gray clouds. The small city of Bahia de Caraquez (named as though it was a whole bay in the ocean) is shaped like a thumb (with the part of the hand that holds it) jutting out into the Pacific on a […]