Cooperativa Los Higuerones

Graphic Image or Map of Bioregion:

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‘Promoting better economic, social, cultural and environmental alternatives for the OSA community’.

Welcome to Los Higuerones!…We are a community hub and Bioregional Learning Center that invites people to come together and connect in ways that celebrate equity, biodiversity, and culture in the Osa.

Bioregion Description:

Osa Peninsula, Gulfo Dulce Waterbasin, Costa Rica

Bioregional Drawings, Photos, Poems, Music, Recipes:

A Gift To Be A Part Of

I know a place where all walks of life walk together.
I know a place where all languages talk together.
And people of all ages dance together. Where the produce of the land is coming from the
farmer’s hand to supply the local demand.
Where the gifts are unconditional and welcome to be shared.
A playground and a learning center where the lines are not defined but blurred.
Where things come to life in a place so diverse.
Projects and collaborations are built with hand and heart.
Showing up and being enough is a wonderdful place to start.
Los Higuerones is where I say I live.

I may not always sleep here, but it’s here where I chose to give.

-Written by Spencer Michael Vantress []


Semilla Universo

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