Fencing and trail work continues in preparation for planting season.

November 11-16, 2007

Monday the La Cruz and Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas sites were watered. We collected bottles in Bahia and Leonidas Plaza. The bottles were taken to the greenhouse and those plants were also watered.

Bosque Encantato 
On Tuesday some of us went to Bosque Encantado. The 2007 revegetation site was watered and trail work was continued on the prospective 2008 site.  

More Moyuyo stakes were cut for general fencing as well. Others went to water at the El Toro site and from there they went to the greenhouse to water.

Filling bottles at the Greenhouse
Wednesday we all went to the greenhouse. Empty 3-liter bottles were cut and washed.  We cleaned out the dead trees from the greenhouse to acquire even more bottles, all of which were immediately refilled with baby Cedros which were transplanted.

Preparing seeds
In the evening Algarrobo, Ebano, Zapote de Perro, and Barbasco seeds were prepared at the house for planting. Some of the seeds needed to be removed from their shells and pods and some were soaked in water to speed germination. 

Working on the Greenhouse roof
Thursday more work was done at the greenhouse. Compost was turned and the roof of the greenhouse extension was expanded to accommodate more trees. 

Barbasco seeds were planted. We also transplanted more Cedro, Caoba, Pechiche and Dormilon seedlings.

On Friday the Maria Dolores and Don Pepe sites were watered. 

From there we walked to the greenhouse and had a seed planting extravaganza. Beds of Algarrobo, Bototillo, Ebano, Zapote de Perro, and Cascol were all planted to germinate and grow as seedlings during the winter rainy season. 

Pásalo bien,

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