- Website: Friends of the Van Duzen River
- Contact: Sal Steinberg, Director.
- Email: steinberg.sal@gmail.com
- Telephone: 707-768-3189
- Mailing Address:
PO Box 274
Carlotta, CA 95528
Friends of the Van Duzen River (FOVDR) is a grassroots community organization comprised of residents and visitors to the Van Duzen region. We are dedicated to helping to restore the river for future generations.
FOVDR is also dedicated to preserving the salmon run and to training young scientists. FOVDR teaches environmental education grades K-12 in Humboldt working in the classroom and in the field. Each year we conduct salmon watch and have taken over 500 students to see salmon in the Eel and Van Duzen Rivers.
Bioregion Description:
Humboldt County has access to the Eel River, the 3rd largest river system in California, which connects with the Pacific Ocean in numerous locations allowing for salmon migration. It is also the home of the Old Growth Redwood Forest.
Bioregional Drawings, Photos, Poems, Music, Recipes:
The River Waits
Van Duzen glides
Patterns Moving
Slowly today
Waiting for something
Oh, the Salmon
The King – 25 pounds maybe
Opening its waters
For the mystical, mysterious
Of a cosmic
Indicator species
Seeking a healthy
—Sal Steinberg, Director Kids in the Woods, Friends of the Van Duzen River
From the book Van Duzen Voice: Poems and Stories by Students in the Van Duzen River Watershed: Kids in the Woods Project 2013
Bioregional Drawings, Photos, Poems, Music, Recipes: