There are nearly 3,000 trees of 26 different native species at the Planet Drum greenhouse that are healthy, green, and big enough to be distributed throughout the Manabí province for various revegetation efforts in coordination with regional ONG’s, Municipalities, urban and rural communities, and private landowners.
Greenhouse Inventory
Species: Achiote Aguacate Algarrobo Almendra Bálsamo Cacao Cascol Ceibo Cereza Chirimoya Fernan Sanchez Fruta de Pan Guachapeli Guanabano Guava de Vehuco Guayaba Jaboncillo Lengua de Vaca Mamey Mandarina Mango Mate Papaya Pechiche Tamarindo Tierra de Monte Total: | Quantity: 8 3 3 3 75 8 168 4 68 845 3 8 160 71 45 134 63 3 1 6 6 198 25 455 560 50 2973 |
Additionally, seedbeds of Bálsamo, Guachapeli, Guayaba, Guava de Machete, Mandarina, Mango, Naranja, and Toronja with germinated seedlings are ready to be transplanted to plastic bottles for continued tree production.
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