Greenhouse Work

At the Catholic University greenhouse we are expanding tree storage space to move in trees from the Astillero greenhouse, where due to water shortages it is difficult to properly water all of the trees.
New bamboo corrals were built with black plastic sheets covering the ground so that the roots don’t grow through the bottles in the soil below; the plastic also conserves water.

Nicolas and Tshamanny secure the bamboo sides of a new corral for tree storage at the greenhouse.
Volunteers unload a truckload of trees that were moved from the Astillero to the Catholic University greenhouse.

Additional tasks at the greenhouse include watering and weeding, as well as transplanting seedlings from the elevated beds into repurposed plastic bottles.

Nicolas, Camile, and Tshamanny (left to right) transplanting seedlings from an elevated seedbed.
Tifrah watering recently transplanted trees.

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