Letter to Peter with News

May 11, 2004  

Hey Peter,

The fencing project is giving me a pain in my stomach.  We bought some barbed wire and tried, unsuccessfully, to put together a prototype this afternoon.  I have some doubts about the use of barbed wire in areas where there are children (Jorge Lomas Canal and Hill). Also it seems the soil is just too unstable to place the wood stakes in the ground at Jorge Lomas Hill.

Anyway I called Mike Morgan and he uses a mesh wire cone to surround a plant rather than a barbed triangle.  Have you actually every done this before in Bahia…Brian never made any mention of it. I definitely see the need for it…I want to make sure we do it as effectively and efficiently as possible. We are also consulting internet sites and some restoration books we have at the office.  I will keep you posted.  I hope to get fencing up at Jorge Lomas Canal by the end of the week.  I think this site is most vulnerable.  Mike also had some good advice about watering. He is going to send me a n article describing a technique he found useful.  He also invited me tocome to Guayaquil to meet with him.  

I’m confident that we will get the support of the community at both Jorge Lomas sites and the Universidad.  They are always receptive to our work.  I will make rounds with Bevan this week and explain to the residents the reason for the fencing, asking for their assistance in maintaining the sites.

I checked with Vladir at Genesis internet store and they do not have zip drives nor does anyone else in Bahia…according to Vladir.   I would estimate that 20 discs are needed.  I have already gone through 7 discs in the four months I have been here.  They have a very short life span with the exposure to dust and susceptibility to viruses because of multi-computer use.

I submitted a paper on Bioregional Education to my academic adviser recently.  I could email it to you if you are interested.  I would love to get feedback from you.  I am really interested in development and implementation of such education and I look forward to reading your article.

I gathered the ingredients for the anti-termite solution.  I plan on applying it this weekend when everyone is out of the house.

The summary for the Amigos de Eco-ciudad meeting:  Basically they want to startmeeting every week from now until Ecuadorian Earth Week and the Municipio is going to invite everyone…the defensa civil, bomberos, presidents of all the barios and presidents of the marina… which we do every time and they never come. There was a lot of back and forth discussion and nothing definite about the week of medioambiente was determined.  So they agreed to set a specific agenda for the following meeting and no more. Just to clarify…Do you want PD to stop attending the now weekly meetings?  Shall I just inform the Muncipio that we will be available to give tours of our sites on that week?

I have to get back to Nicola on the compost course…I still don’t know when, where or for how long it will be.



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