More on membership
Your annual membership, which comes with a mininum donation of $25 in North America ($30 outside North America), will directly support our programming, and will connect you with bioregional resources and opportunities wherever you live.
Make a donation of $25/30 to become a Planet Drum member today.
How your membership helps
By becoming a member of Planet Drum Foundation, you support:
• Planet Drum’s ability to connect people with environmental and bioregional information or volunteer opportunities. Development of our extensive office library, available to the public, members, researchers, and international visitors.
• Ongoing consultation about bioregional concepts and questions via postal mail, email, and telephone.
• Bioregional presentations worldwide.
• Progress towards publication of three new books which include a hands-on environmental education teachers guide, a new collection of Peter Bergs Green City essays, and his dispatches from Ecuador.
• Updated news, essays, and information about Planet Drum, its projects and publications at, Facebook and instagram.
Planet Drum Members receive
• The Planet Drum PULSE, a truly interactive newsletter that includes your letters and articles, planetary bioregional updates, reviews, humor and the latest on what Planet Drum is doing inside the office and around the world.
• INQUIRIES & REFERRALS Personal assistance with answers to your questions, information about bioregional groups and members living near you, referrals to expertise, references to books and other resources, and contacts for further help by mail, telephone, fax, website or email.
• DISCOUNT – 25% on all Planet Drum publications and events.
• REDUCED RATES – For Planet Drum talks, workshops and performances.