Photographers without Borders

Professional photographer Matt Timmins from Photographers without Borders joined Planet Drum’s Ecuador project in early June to document the work and provide photos and videos for promotional purposes.

Matt photographs birds at La Segua Wildlife Refuge. Photo by Clay Plager-Unger.

While Matt was here, he documented city life in Bahía de Caráquez. Together we visited the greenhouse at the Catholic University, taught bioregional education to neighborhood children in Bellavista with Planet Drum’s volunteers, planted trees at the Eloy Alfaro school in Bahía with regional and international volunteers, participated in an environmental open house in Canoa, and collaborated with regional educational institutions at a conference on biodiversity at the Technical University of Manabí. We also visited regional points of bioregional interest, such as La Segua Wildlife Refuge, the Planet Drum office, and examples of regional ecosystem depletion due to shrimp farming and poor agricultural practices.

Clay meets with the new Sucre County Mayor, Ingrid Zambrano, at the ecological conference at the Technical University of Manabí. Photo by Matt Timmins.
The Planet Drum crew at work at the greenhouse. Photo by Matt Timmins.
Planting trees with national and international volunteers at the Eloy Alfaro school. Photo by Matt Timmins.

Thanks to Matt for contributing to Planet Drum’s projects in Ecuador with beautiful pictures and drone video footage!

Matt flies the drone over Bahía de Caráquez. Photo by Clay Plager-Unger.

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