(All of the hyperlinks on this page need to be checked JBG)
Located in Bahía de Caraquez (central coast of Ecuador), the Eco-Ecuador project puts bioregional principles into action through habitat restoration and environmental education initiatives.
• Eco-Ecuador Project Reports (1999-present)
• Peter Berg’s Eco-Ecuador Dispatches (1999-2010)
• Eco-Ecuador Volunteer Blog (2009-present)
Eco-Ecuador Project: What Is It?

The primary focus of the project is the native tree greenhouse, which produces plants that are used for the recovery of the highly damaged and fragile Dry Tropical Forest ecosystem. The project includes revegetation workshops that engage local people in the entire process of tree production/planting and provide the opportunity to educate them about the importance of their local forests and environment.

Volunteers and interns are invited to assist in various aspects of the project, including: greenhouse operations; revegetation site preparation, planting, maintenance; revegetation workshops with communities and at schools.
Volunteer Information
The Eco-Ecuador Project was supported by local volunteers as well as those from around the world.

While the Eco-Ecuador Project was functioning there were three ongoing internship positions available: Volunteer Coordinator, Community Engagement, and Field Research.

Project Overview:
The city of Bahía de Caraquez on Ecuador’s Pacific coast is committed to becoming ecologically sustainable. Planet Drum Foundation was invited to the 1999 Ecological City Declaration Celebration to help create community awareness of relevant issues in the local Rio Chone Estuary Bioregion.
Over the past 21 years, Planet Drum has established a field office to carry out pertinent bioregional activities. We began by planting native trees in a barrio that was destroyed by mudslides, thereby controlling erosion and creating habitat for indigenous animals in a “wild park” only a few blocks from the city center. Since then we have continued to extend revegetation efforts every year on eroded hillsides along the Rio Chone. Saplings are grown in a large greenhouse and have been planted in more than 50 sites. Planet Drum also carries regular Revegetation Workshops for locals, which engage them in the project and provide bioregional education.
There are opportunities for future projects involving renewable energy, water supply, urban sustainability, household ecology education, community education and outreach, and others.
For an in depth history of the Eco-Ecuador projects, please download the following: Planet Drum Info and Projects History (.pdf – 621kb – 9 pages).

Study Abroad:
Planet Drum is collaborating with Universities and Educational Institutions to provide study abroad opportunities for international students. An description of the 2012 Study Abroad program with the University of Oregon is available here.
Study Abroad Informational Flyer (.pdf)

Rufford Project Page:
Planet Drum’s Dry Tropical Forest Revegetation Project page on the Rufford website.