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Green City Program for the San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond


What would it take to establish a positive outcome for the seemingly overwhelming problems of cities?  What features of city life should be addressed and in what ways?  How would an alternative approach for the future look and feel? A Green City Program for the San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond is based on a series of nine urban sustainability topics symposia held to consider those questions. Topics covered were: Urban Planting. Smart Transportation, Sustainable Planning, Renewable Energy, Neighborhood Character and Empowerment, Recycling and Reuse, Celebrating Life-Place Vitality, Urban Wild Habitat, and Socially Responsible Small Businesses and Cooperatives.

Written and Edited by Peter Berg, Beryl Magilavy and Seth Zuckerman, it has an easily accessible format: it describes the present situation, agendas for short and long term changes, “fables” for how changes might occur and “visions” of what a Green City anywhere would be like.

Only available as a xerox copy