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Bundle: Backbone—The Rockies


A six-part Bundle of essays, poems, journals, calendars and proposals.

Edited by Peter Berg and Freeman House with an introduction by them “Are the Rockies too Big to Worry About? (Contributing Editors: Robert Curry, Thomas Birch, and Roger Dunsmore)  1979

ROCKIES — THE SOURCE: A pictorial  presentation of the volume and reach of water originating from rain, snowpack, springs and glacier-melt in the mountains with new information about soil nutrients that are carried with it. Rockies water empties into all the oceans surrounding North America.

BACKBONE—THE ROCKIES: The geological origins of the Rockies and the significance of their “adolescent” condition for people living in and around the spine of the continent.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIFETIME: A vision of time as species events circling through the seasons (some blank spaces have been left for noting personal observations). Retreat of the last glacial advance from the mountains set the pace for the calendar of biological events which exist today. Recent observations of the sun and stars from the “medicine wheels” found in and around the Rockies show they can be used to ascertain the timing of equinox and solstice.

THE EYE IN THE ROCK: John Haines wrote this  poem after Carling Malouf led part of the editorial group for this Bundle to a narrow rock ledge on the shore of Flathead Lake facing a sheer cliff  covered with sepia-colored  pictographs.

WILD IDEA . . . WILD HOPE: A collection of journal excerpts, tape-recorded comments and poems centering on the synthesis between wildness and human need for order in the Rockies.

  • Beth Chadwick has spent several seasons observing and filming wild mountain goats
  • Thomas Birch teaches Philosophy of Wilderness at the University of Montana
  • Roger Dunsmore is a poet with questions about what is “civilized” and “wild”
  • Bruce Bugbee deals inventively with land use decisions and planning
  • Gary Nabhan, poet and naturalist, writes here of wild fire in the Southern Rockies llano country

A HOUSE AT 8000’: Paul Shippee’s first solar heated house became an exploration of spirit and practicality through attention to site and the materials surrounding.

A COMMUNITY OF TREES AND PEOPLE IN THE SLOCAN VALLEY: A British  Columbia community’s proposal for responsible defense and maintenance of their home valley and economic base from the excessive and short-sited demands of extra-regional logging interests.