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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #17 – Exploring Urban Frontiers


Urban Challenges are highlighted in articles by Marie Dolcini, Richard Register, Peter Berg, and Bruce Hinkforth; Beryl Magilavy considers recycling; NYC’s potential greeness is discussed by Jean Gardner; Paul Ryan takes on Green TV; Nelson Denman considers Green City youth theater; Paul Glover and Patrick Mazza discuss green urban planning; and Doug Aberley wonders if cities can really be green. Reports continue the focus on Europe with poet James Koller, Katrina Schwartz on the Latvian Greens, Ceza Szathimary considering Bioregional Theory and Guidelines for Hungary, Josep Puig on Reforesting Barcelona, Ray Dasmann on a Bioregional Lake Baikal Watch, and rethinking Urban Australia by Veronica Martin and Michael Petter. Also Reviews, Announcements, Planet Drum and Green City updates.

Raise the Stakes #17, Winter 1991