Europe Now: The Bioregional Prospect
Circles of Correspondence
- Helmut Salzinger—A Fearful Forecast From Seitland or “Weltschmerz Revisited”
- Michael Walsh—Celtic Stirrings
- Guiseppe Moretti—Is There Any Wilderness Left in Italy?
- A Bioregional Future for Europe?, Marie Dolcini
- Europe Now, Thomas Kaiser
- Reinhabitation in Hungary: New Ground for Old Ideas, George Tukel
- The Difficulty of Dis-Covering Eastern Europe, Thomas Kaiser
- Neolithic Land Management, Marc Bonfils
- A Call to All Regions (NABC IV), David Wheeler
- Ten Theses for Regional Ecological Development, Ruggero Schleicher – Tappesr
- Association for the Defense of Ancestral Sacred Lands, Miquel-Didac Pinero and Angel Serra i Costa
- From Catalunya to the European Greens – Recognize Regional Autonomy, Josep Puig
- Poems Places, Regina Munchinger
- Is There Life Without Business Economy? Gibt es ein Leben ohne Wirtschaft?, Ignatz v. Maus
- Planetary Wednesday Liberation Movement, P.M.
- Dolomit, Du Meine Freiheit Dolomite, You My Freedom, Gilbert Tassaux
Weaving Alliances
North America
- Pacific Coast groups, no longer operative, contact people, address changes
- Mexican Cordillera groups
- Great Lakes groups, address changes
- Mississippi Basin, address changes, publications, contact people
- Gulf Coast, address changes
- Atlantic Mountains groups, contact people, address changes
- Atlantic Coast groups, contact people
Other Continents
- Australia groups
- Europe groups, contact people, address changes
- Pacific Islands groups
- Eighth International IFOAM Conference
- Watersheds As System Models
- Macrocosm, USA
- Warning! Eco-activist beware!
Green City Center Report by Steven Lewis
Green City/urban sustainability activities in the SF Bay Area.
Planet Drum Pulse by Marie Dolcini
Stakes Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office
Planet Drum Publications
Activities, how to get involved, items for sale and masthead.
Reviews: Riffs, Reads & Reels
Reviewed by Kent Gerecke
- Green Cities: Ecologically Sound Approaches to Urban Space, edited by David Gordon
Reviewed by Marie Dolcini
- Recovering the Goddess, by Marija Gimbutas
Reviewed by Crofton Diack
- Whatever Happened to Ecology, by Stephanie Mills
Dolomit, Du Meine Freiheit, Gilbert Tassaux (German)
Dolomite, You My Freedom, Gilbert Tassaux, (English translation by Marie Dolcini)
- Front page illustration, by John Davies
- Found photo from Prague
- Landscape photo by Thomas Kaiser
- Map of Eastern Europe, drawn by Judy Goldhaft
- Photo of author with local agricultural expert by George Turkel
- Typical village home photo by George Turkel
- Dusseldorf photo by Thomas Kaiser
- Found photo of woman lying on side in field, smiling
- Several illustrations by Marc Bonfils
- Illustration of a dolmen by Benjami Bofarull
- Uprighting the menhir at “Lloc dels Palaus” by Benjami Bofarull
- Three illustrations drawn by unknown, perhaps Ignatz V. Maus
- Graphic by Catherine Rose Crowther
- Map of Germany by Judy Goldhaft
- Graphic by Louise Whetter
- Map of Italy by Judy Goldhaft
- Photo of protest by Judy Goldhaft
- Photo of protest by Shafi Hakim
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