Exploring Urban Frontiers
Circles of Correspondences
- Katrina Schwartz—Latvian Green Movement
- James Koller—Thoughts from Europe
- Ceza Szathimary—Theory and Guidelines for Hungarian Bioregional Evolution
- Josep Puig—Reforesting Barcelona
- Ray Dosmann—Bioregional Baikial Watch
- Veronica Rosalie Martin & Michael John Petter—Rethinking Australia’s Urban Communities
- Accepting the Urban Challenge, Marrie Dolcini
- Ecological Rebuilding and Evolutionary Healthy Future Cities, Marrie Dolcini interviews Richard Register
- Cities in Climax, Bruce Hinkforth
- Recreating Urbanity, Peter Berg
- Urban Recycling: Collection to Source Conservation, Beryl Magilavy
- Making Green City Real for New York, Jean Gardner
- NYC Needs Green TV, Paul Ryan
- Reach Young People with Green City Theater, Nelson Denman
- Greenplanning, Paul Glover
- Portland Needn’t be a Rainy Los Angeles, Patrick Mazza
- Can Cities Really Be Green, Doug Aberley
- Green Belt Movement of Kenya
- Torri Superiori: A Proposition for Life
- Save Apo Sandawa!
Reviews: Riffs, Reads & Reels
Reviewed by Peter Berg
- The Practice of the Wild, by Gary Snyder
Reviewed by Marie Dolcini
- The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy, by Kirkpatrick Sale
Reviewed by Seth Tager
- Not So “Sim”ple City, by Will Wright and Maxis Softward
Reviewed by Seth Zuckerman
- Home! A Bioregional Reader, edited by Van Andruss, Christopher Plant, Judith Plant and Eleanor Wright
Green City Center Report by Steven Lewis
Green City/urban sustainability activities in the SF Bay Area.
Planet Drum Pulse by Crofton Diack
Stakes Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office
Planet Drum Publications
Activities, how to get involved, items for sale and masthead.
- Front page illustration by Duffy
- Photo of Richard Register by Ana Li Tatter
- Abandoned car on Maui photo by Judy Goldhaft
- Drawing by Beryl Magilavy
- Students from Agua Fria Elementary build their own biotic pyramid photo by Esther Marion
- Cayuga Bioregion map drawn by Judy Goldhaft
- Portland: 2010 An existing city block becomes a cohousing community, drawing by Virginia Hogdon
- Map of Europe by Judy Goldhaft
- Scythian Stag
- Graphic by Joanna Pertz
- Planet Drum staffers enjoy open space currently endangered in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood
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