Eco-Governance Bioregional Gatherings: Informative accounts of bioregional gatherings in British Columbia, the Cascades, the Great Prairie, Ozarks, Detroit, the Great Lakes, Ohio River watershed, north central Pennsylvania, and Italy. Also features special reports from indigenous groups in the Dakota Black Hills, Mexico, Costa Rica, and San Francisco in response to the quincentennial of Columbus’ arrival; Peter Berg on Post-Environmentalist Origins; reviews, including educational magazines, bioregional directory updates, Planet Drum PULSE, and news of the Green City Project.
Eco-Governance: Bioregional Gatherings
- Bioregional Gatherings: A Start Toward Eco-Governance, Judy Goldhaft
- Talking points, Peter Berg
- Ways to Bioregion, Judy Goldhaft
- Post-Environmental Origins, Peter Berg
- The First Great Prairie Congress, Jeanne Marie Manning, Dan Bentley & Gene Marshall
- Elkins Prairie Lost to Development (The First Great Prairie Congress) (see also Kansas Area Watershed Report)
- Teenage Earthnauts, Ted Norris
- KAW Council co-congressing:
- Kansas Area Watershed Report, Dan Bentley & Kat Greene
- Upper Blackland Prairie, Gary Minnich
- Texas Hill Country/Colorado Watershed, Ted Norris
- A Confluence of Interests, Julie Lalo & Timothy Bowser
- Welcome Back, Columbus, Italian Bioregional Camp IV (Two Views), Pino De Sario
- Ozarkia Emerging!, Jacqueline Froelich
- Great Lakes Bioregional Congress ’91, Sarah E. Bearup-Neal
- Coming Home: Spirituality & Ecology of the Ohio River Watershed, Frank Traina & J. Schafer Meyer
- Kirkpatrick Sale pull quote (Coming Home)
- Detroit: People’s Festival, John Gruchala
- Join me in taking a ride to the Hat Creek Gathering!, Glen Makepeace
- Cascadia “Forests and Waters”, David McCloskey
- 500 Years…(centerfold)
- The 500 Years of Self-Discovery Committee (in English & Spanish), plus Alberto Ruiz Buenfil quote
- “Keepers of the Earth” Vision Council, Alberto Ruiz Buenfil & Arturo
- Notes About the Fourth International Seminar: The Pop Wuj in History, Jeanne Carstensen
- Feeling Mestizo, Jorge Herrera (in English & Spanish), translated by Laurie Schaffner & Kush (500 Years…)
- Lakota Sovereignty Organizing Committee Declares Independence, Lakota Sovereignty Organizing Committee plus Lakota Statement of Renewal
Weaving Alliances Bioregional Directory Updates
- Pacific Coast-Groups
- Oregon Natural Desert Association, Bend, OR
- Save Mount Shasta, Mount Shasta, CA
- South Yuba City Citizens League, Nevada City, CA
- Turtle Island Earth Stewards, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
- Twin Island Leadership Centre, Salmon Arm, B.C., Canada
- Willamette Valley Permaculture Association, Cottage Grove, OR
- Pacific Coast-Publications
- EarthLight, Davis, CA
- Pacific Coast-Address Changes
- Alaska Bioregional Network, Palmer, AK
- City Magazine, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- Marcia Nozick & Kent Gerecke, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- Wild in the City, San Anselmo, CA
- The New Catalyst, New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, B.C., Canada
- Colorado Plateau-Publications
- Aztlán Journal, Bioregional Press, La Veta, CO
- Rocky Mountains-Publications
- Way of the Mountain Learning Center, Silverton, CO
- Great Lakes-Groups
- The Green Thumb Cooperative, Chicago, IL
- Atlantic Mountains-Publications
- Compost Patch News, Altoona, PA
- Atlantic Coast-Groups
- Green City Project Earthbound, Albany, NY
- Save America’s Forests, Washington, D.C.
- Other Continents-Groups
- Annapurna Conservation Area Project, Singapore
- King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation, Nepal
- International Society for Ecology and Culture, The Ladakh Project, Jammu & Kashmir, India
- Bush Telegraph, Maruia Society, Inc. Nelson, New Zealand
- Melbourne Bioregional Network, Victoria, Australia
- Europe-Publications
- Mercian Democrat, Middle England, UK
- Turtle Island Office, Turtle Island Bioregional Congress V, May 17-24, 1992
- Paul Stark, Detroit Summer: a showcase for a Green future
- Native Americans, documentary film on the South Dakota Black Hills in production
Reviews: Riffs, Reads & Reels
Reads & Reels
Reviewed by Peter Berg
- In the Absence of the Sacred, by Jerry Mander
- Mindwalk, Triton Pictures (film)
Reviewed by Nancy Heil
- Sisters of the Earth, edited & with a preface by Lorraine Anderson
Reviewed by Judy Goldhaft
- In Praise of Nature, edited & essays by Stephanie Mills, forward by Tom Brokaw
Reviewed by John Davis
- Wild Echoes, Charles Bergman
Reviewed by Marie Dolcini
- The Yew Tree, A Thousand Whispers, Hal Hartzell
Educational Publications
Reviewed by Kari Norborg-Carter
- Guideposts for a Sustainable Future, Planning for Seven Generations, Mike Nickerson with George Mully
Reviewed by Kathleen Duplantier
- Pollen: Journal of Bioregional Education
- Skipping Stones A Multicultural Children’s Quarterly
Reviewed by Vicki Pollock
- Rethinking Columbus
Green City Report by Lymon Gregory
Green City/urban sustainability activities in the SF Bay Area.
Planet Drum Pulse by Nancy Heil
Stake Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office.
Planet Drum Publications
Activities, how to get involved, items for sale and masthead.
- Susan Benson (photo) (front cover)
- Graphics: 5 (Ways to Bioregion)
- Graphics: Antonio Sotomayer, North & Central America (map) (The First Great Prairie Congress); 4 Bison (Teenage Earthnauts); Prairie graphic (Kansas Area Watershed Report); 2 Maya/Aztec graphics (500 Years…)
- Gregory Coniff, Sand Hills, plowed land and grasses (The First Great Prairie Congress)
- Kathy McWhorter (photo) (Texas Hill Country/Colorado Watershed)
- Graphic: West Branch Bioregion Susquehanna River (map) (A Confluence of Interests)
- Graphic: Trees landscape (Welcome Back, Columbus, Italian Bioregional Camp IV)
- Ozark Area Community Congress (OACC) logo (graphic) (Ozarkia Emerging!)
- Graphic: Tree and bush landscape (Ozarkia Emerging!)
- Graphic: Turtle (Turtle Island Bioregional Congress V)
- Graphic: Tree design (Coming Home)
- Graphic: People’s Festival logo (Detroit: People’s Festival)
- Chris Mussell (2 photos) (Join me in taking a ride to the Hat Creek Gathering!)
- David Dutchison (photo) (Join me in taking a ride to Hat Creek Gathering!)
- Graphic: fir tree (Cascadia “Forests and Waters”)
- Graphic: Tree (Feeling Mestizo)
- Graphic: Miguel Angel de Quevedo (“Keepers of the Earth” Vision Council)
- Graphic: Treaty lands (map) (Lakota Sovereignty Organizing Committee)
Pull Quote
By Peter Berg
“Eco-Governance addresses community, economics, interdependence and other issues…”
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