Bioregional Directory & Map: A listing of more than 200 bioregional groups and publications in the Northern Americas as well as in Europe and Australia. This issue is a useful way to find bioregionally-minded groups and individuals in your area. Also included is a centerfold map of the represented bioregions of the Northern Americas produced by Steven Holloway. Perfect for bioregional organizers or contacts on the road. Planet Drum PULSE; Green City Report.
Bioregional Directory & Map
The 1995 Bioregional Directory, Ocean Berg
Directory of Bioregions (Groups, Individuals & Publications)
- Pacific Coast
- Aprovecho Research Center, contact: Dean Still, Cottage Grove, OR (News From Aprovecho)
- Bay Area Action, contact: Peter Drekmeier, Palo Alto, CA (Action)
- Bay Area Land Watch, contact: David Schooley, Brisbane, CA (Buckeye Newsletter)
- Carter Readers, contact: Carter Brooks, San Francisco, CA
- Cascadia Education Project, Inc., contact: Debra Giannini, Portland, OR (Cascadia Link)
- Cascadia Institute, contact: David McCloskey, Seattle, WA (various publications)
- Cascadia Planet, contacts: David Mazza & Debra Giannini, Portland, OR
- The Catalyst Education Society (The New Catalyst/New Society Publishers), contact: Judith Plant, Gabriola Island, B.C., Canada (The New Catalyst/Bioregional Series)
- Chinook Learning Center, contact, David Thompson, Clinton, WA (Flywheel)
- The Cob Cottage Company, contacts: Michael Smith & Ianto Evans, Cottage Grove, OR (Cob and Earth Building Revival: A Reader)
- Context Institute, contact: Kathryn True, Bainbridge Island, WA (In Context)
- The District of Highlands, contact: Bruce Woodbury, Victoria, B.C., Canada (District of Highlands Community Newsletter)
- Ecoforestry Institute Society, contacts: Doug Patterson & Alan Drengson, Victoria, B.C., Canada (International Journal of Ecoforestry)
- The Ecostery Foundation of North America, contact: Alan Drengson, Victoria, B.C., Canada (Doc Forest and Blue Mountain Ecostery)
- The Eden Project, contact: Timothy McClure, Glen Ellen, CA (The Eden Journal)
- Environmental Protection Information Center, Inc., contact: Arleen Olson, Garberville, CA (Wild California)
- EOS Institute, contact: Lynne Bayless, Laguna Beach, CA (Earthward Journal)
- Fellowship for Intentional Community, contact: Betty Didcoct, Langley, WA (Communities Magazine; Communities Directory; FIC Newsletter)
- Friends of Clayoquot Sound, contact: Paul Cienfuegos, Tofino, B.C., Canada
- Friends of Santa Monica Mountains and Seashore, contact: Sue Nelson, Topanga, CA
- Friends of the Trees, contact: Michael Pilarski, Bellingham, WA (Restoration Forestry; Third World Resource Guide)
- The Geonomy Society, contact: Gary Flo, Fort Bragg, CA (The Geonomist)
- Greater Ecosystem Alliance—Main Office, contact: Mitch Friedman, Bellingham, WA (Northwest Conservation)
- Green City Project, contact: Judy Goldhaft, San Francisco, CA (Green City Calendar)
- Green Party Political Association of British Columbia, no contact listed, Vancouver, B.C., Canada (Green Party News)
- Growing Native Research Institute, contact: Louise Lacey, Berkeley, CA (Growing Native Newsletter)
- R.S. Hinton & Associates, contact: Steve Hinton, Portland OR
- Institute for Deep Ecology, contact: Tara Strand-Brown, Occidental, CA
- Institute for Sustainable Forestry, contact: Jude Wait, Redway, CA (Forestree News)
- International Working Group/Greens, contact: Juan Tomas Rehbock, San Francisco, CA
- Ish River Country, contact: Jim Riley, Langley, WA (Island Independent)
- Kachemak Heritage Land Trust, contact: Barbara Seaman, Homer, AK (Kachemak Heritage Landmarks)
- Mattole Restoration Council, no contact listed, Petrolia, CA (Mattole Restoration Newsletter)
- Mendocino Environmental Center, contacts: Betty & Gary Ball, Ukiah, CA (MEC Newsletter)
- News From Native California, no contact listed, Berkeley, CA
- Old Mill Farm, contacts: Chuck & Petra Hinsch, Mendocino, CA
- Oregon Tilth, contact: Yvonne Frost, Tualatin, OR (In Good Tilth)
- Orlo, no contact listed, Portland, OR (Bear Essential)
- Planet Drum Foundation, contact: Judy Goldghaft, San Francisco, CA (Raise the Stakes)
- Rainforest Action Network, contact: Cherise Miller, San Francisco, CA (World Rainforest Report)
- Redwood City Seed Company, contacts: Craig & Sue Dremann, Redwood City, CA (Catalogue of Useful Plants)
- Redwood Coast Environmental Law Center, contact: Nat Bingham, Mendocino, CA
- Regeneration Resources, contacts: Bob Glotzbach & Gena VanCamp, Glen Ellen, CA (various publications)
- San Geronimo Valley Planning Group, contacts: Debra Dadd-Redalia & Ron Thelin, Forest Knolls, CA
- Sanctuary Forest, Inc., contact: Rondal Snodgrass, Whitethorn CA
- Sandy Bar Ranch, contacts: Mark & Blythe, Orleans, CA (News from Sandy Bar)
- Santa Cruz Mountains Biodiversity Institute, contact: Fred McPherson, Boulder Creek, CA (Santa Cruz Mountains Bioregion—Share Ware)
- Santa Cruz Mountains Bioregional Development Group, contact: Jim Keller, Santa Cruz, CA
- Trees Foundation, contact: Tracy Katelman, Redway, CA
- Turtle House Institute, contact: David Hormel, Sebastopol, CA
- White Crane Press, contact: Robert Barzan, San Francisco, CA
- Wild Forest Review, no contact listed, Portland, OR
- Wild in the City, contact: Nancy Morita, San Anselmo, CA
- Zopilote Association, contacts: Michael Smith & Ianto Evans, Cottage Grove, OR
- Individuals
- Jeb & Sandy Breyhouse, Los Angeles, CA
- Mike Carr, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
- Paul Cienfuegos, Tofina, B.C., Canada
- Donald Dean, Mendocino, CA
- Richard Gustafson, Orinda, CA
- Tracy Katelman, Redway, CA
- Steven R. Krolik, San Francisco, CA
- Patrick Mazza, Portland, OR
- Pam McCann, Berkeley, CA
- Susan B. Nelson, Los Angeles, CA
- Becky Price-Hall, Bayside, CA
- Roger Pritchard, Berkeley, CA
- Juan Tomas Rehbock, Oakland, CA
- Jeff Smith, Portland, OR
- Jim & Judy Tarbell, Mendocino, CA (Ridge Review)
- Kevin Wolf, Davis, CA
- Pacific Mountains
- California Indian Basketweavers Association, contact: Sara Greensfelder, Nevada City, CA (CIBA Newsletter)
- Columbia River Bioregional Education Project, no contact listed, Oroville, WA (Columbiana)
- Save Mount Shasta, A Project of the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center. Contact: Michelle Berditschevsky, Mount Shasta, CA
- Yalakom Community Council & Yalakom Ecological Society, contact: Eleanor Wright, Lillooet, B.C., Canada
- Individuals
- George McKinley, Ashland, OR
- Basin and Range
- Community Information Resource Center, contact: Thomas H. Greco, Tucson, AZ
- Environmental Design Concepts, contact: Scott Pittman. Santa Fe, NM
- Greener Pastures Institute, contact: William L. Seavey, Pahrump NV (Rural Property Investor)
- Native Seeds Search, contact: Kevin Dahl, Tucson, AZ (The Seedhead News)
- Individuals
- Gordon Solberg, Radium Springs, NM
- Rocky Mountains
- Arapahoe Glacier Bioregional News, contact: Jhym Phoenix, Nederland, CO
- The Boulder Barter Network, contacts: Jhym & Pam Phoenix, Boulder, CO
- The Great Bear Foundation, contact: Matt Reid, Bozeman, MT (Bear News)
- Greater Ecosystem Alliance—BC Desk, contact: Candace Batycki, Nelson. B.C., Canada
- Sierra Club—Upper Columbia, contact: Easy, Spokane, WA (Rapids)
- Slocan Valley Watershed Alliance, contact: Sylvia Hammond, Winlaw, B.C., Canada (Community Guide to the Forest: Ecology, Planning and Use)
- Southern Slocan Valley Community Exchange, contact: Joel Russ, Winlaw, B.C., Canada (SSVCE Newsletter)
- Individuals
- Ms. Day Star, Winlaw, B.C., Canada
- Mexican Cordillera
- Arcorredes, contact: Paola Willis, Coyoacan del Carmen, Mexico
- Huehuecoyótl AC, contact: Albert Ruz Buenfil, Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico (Las Voces de Huehuecoyótl)
- Kalpulli Koakalko AC (Four Arrows of Mexico), contact: Francisco Jimenez, Coacalco Estado de Mexico, CP, Mexico
- Individuals
- Pam McCann, Pocutla, Oaxaca, CP, Mexico
- Ernesto Nesh, Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico
- Colorado Plateau
- Colorado Plateau Ecology Alliance, contact: Joe Constantine, Flagstaff, AZ (Plateau Perspectives; Datewatch)
- Kivaki Press, contact: Shona Holmes, Durango, CO (various publications)
- San Miguel Greens, contact: Art Goodtimes, Norwood, CO
- Sheep Mountain Alliance, contact: Cameron Brooks, Telluride, CO (Sheep Mountain Alliance Journal; Talking at Ewe)
- Way of the Mountain Center, Dolores LaChapelle, Silverton, CO (Way of the Mountain Newsletter)
- Great Plains
- Deep Ecology Group, Unitarian Universalist Society, Jane Clow, Waterloo, IA
- Kansas Area Watershed Council, contact: Caryn Goldberg, Dan Bentley, Ken Lassman, Lawrence, KS (Well, Well, Well)
- Realistic Living, contacts: Gene & Joyce Marshall, Bonham, TX (Realistic Living—A Journal on Ethics and Religion)
- San Antonio Bioregional Research Group, contact: Pleas McNeel, San Antonio, TX
- Texas Through Time Living History Museum, contact: Pleas McNeel, San Antonio, TX
- Unison, contact: John McMurphy, Dallas, TX (Points of Light)
- West Plains Academy, contacts: Linda & Bryce Stephens, Jennings, KS
- Zendik Farm and Ecolibrium Alliance, contact: Arol Wulf, Bastrop, TX (Zendik Farm Tribe; Statement of Revolution)
- Individuals
- Patricia Allison, Blanco, TX
- Chen Atkins & Shey Pinsof, Bastrop TX
- Caryn Goldberg & Ken Lassman, Lawrence, KS
- Mark Larson, Lawrence, KS
- John McMurphy & Jeff Davis, Dallas, TX
- Robert Southworth, Blanco, TX
- Ozark Plateau
- Ozark Area Community Congress, contact: David Haenke, Brixey, MO (Talking Oak Leaves)
- Ozark Regional Land Trust, contact: Gregg Galbraith, Carthage, MO (Annual Ozark Calendar)
- The Water Center, contact: Barbara Harmony, Eureka Springs, AR (Aqua Terra: Water Concepts for the Ecological Society; We All Live Downstream)
- Individuals
- Jacqueline Froelich, Eureka Springs, AR
- Jim Kuhel, Leslie, AR
- Great Lakes
- Auto-Free Ottawa, contact: Lucy Segatti, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Auto-Free Zone)
- City of Toronto Task Force to Bring Back the Don, contact: Dalton Shipway, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Bring Back the Don)
- Cress Spring Farm, contact: Roger Eischens, Blue Mounds, WI
- Eco-City Cleveland, contact: David Beach, Cleveland Heights, OH (Eco-City Cleveland Journal)
- Friends of the Buffalo River, contact: Lynda Schneekloth, Buffalo, NY (FBR Newsletter)
- Living Earth Institute of the Great Lakes, contact: Michael Dowd, Ann Arbor, MI
- The Nature Conservancy: The Mighty Acorns Project, contact: Diane Reckless, Chicago, IL
- Oak Ridges Bioregion Network, contacts: Christopher Lowry, Whitney Smith, Ray Tomalty, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (ORBnet)
- Save the Prairie Society, contact: Valerie Spale, Westchester, IL (Prairie Roots)
- Singing Wolf Center, contact: Kristi Cowles, Lake Geneva, WI
- Thumb Bioregional League, contact: Fred Fuller, Yale, MI
- Turtle Island Office, contact: Beatrice Briggs, Blue Mounds, WI (Voice of the Turtle)
- Tuscarawas Bioregional Council, contact: Jerry Welch, Akron, OH (Turtle Talk)
- Western Pennsylvania-Eastern Ohio Earth Literacy Network, contact: Gene Wilhelm, Slippery Rock, PA
- Wild Onion Alliance, contact: Beatrice Briggs, Chicago, IL (downWind)
- Individuals
- Bill Collins, Rochester Hills, MI
- John R. Fisher, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada
- Turns-To-The-East, Genoa City, WI
- Margaret Wooster, Buffalo, NY
- Mississippi River Valley
- Delta Greens, contacts: John Clark & Camille Martin, New Orleans, LA (Delta Greens Quarterly)
- Dreamtime Village, contacts: Miekal And & Ellizabeth Was, LaFarge, WI (Dreamtime Talkingmail)
- Library for Sustainable Living, contact: Carol Wallitt LeMay, Fairfield, IA
- Mesechabe, contacts: John Clark & Camille Martin, New Orleans, LA
- South Abita Neighborhood Association, contact: Stephen Duplantier, Abita Springs, LA
- Yahara Watershed Education Network, contact: Jim Lorman, Madison, WI
- Ohio River Basin
- Central Ohio River Basin Bioregional Congress, contact: Leif Haggland, Bloomington, IN (Congress Proceedings)
- Hoosier UNCED Watch (Indianapolis), contact: Doug Mason, Indianapolis, IN (Indianapolis Peace & Justice Center Newsletter)
- IMAGO, contact: Jim Schenk, Cincinnati, OH (IMAGO News)
- Michaela Farm, contact: Sr. Anita Brelage, Oldenburg, IN (Michaela Farm Newsletter)
- Open Ground/Cultural Rec-Creations, contact: Don Boklage, Harrodsburg, KY (Open Ground)
- Protect Our Woods, contact: Bob Klawitter, Paoli, IN (Protect Our Woods)
- Sunrock Farm, contact: Frank Traina, Wilder, KY (Pollen: Journal of Bioregional Education)
- Sustainable Systems Program, contact: Larry Patrick, Slippery Rock, PA (The Alternator)
- Western Pennsylvania-Eastern Ohio Earth Literacy Network, contact: Rev. George R. Dalton, Slippery Rock, PA
- Individuals
- Kari Norborg Carter, Centerville, OH
- Richard Cartwright, Oldenburg, IN
- Bob Klawitter, Dubois, IN
- Doug Mason, Bloomington, IN
- Mary Meyer, Oldenburg, IN
- Ed Paynter, Indianapolis, IN
- Janette Shetter, Bloomington, IN
- Sarah A. Stevenson, Slippery Rock, PA
- Christina A. Snyder, Cincinnati, OH
- Atlantic Mountains
- Carantouan Greenway, contact: Destiny Kenal, Waveryly, NY
- The Center For Reflection on the Second Law, contacts: James & Mary Berry, Raleigh, NC (CFRSL newsletter)
- Center for Regional Alternatives/Piedmont Bioregional Institute, contact: W.L. “Billy” Cummings, Pittsboro, NC
- Compost Patch, Inc, contact: Charles Leiden, Altoona, PA (Compost Patch Ideas)
- Cumberland-Green Bioregional Council, contact: Eric Lewis, Nashville, TN (Greenlight)
- The Farm Ecovillage Training Center, contact: Patrick Gibbon, Summertown, TN
- Gaia Education Outreach Institute, contact: Bruce Kantner, Temple, NH (GEOLetter)
- Genesis Farm, contact: Miriam MacGillis, OP, Blairstown, NJ (Genesis Farm Newsletter)
- Ithaca Money, no contact listed, Ithaca, NY
- Katúah, contact: David Wheeler, Whittier, NC (Katúah: Bioregional Journal of the Southern Appalachians)
- Katúah Permaculture Institute, contact: Chuck Marsh, Leicester, NC
- Morning Star Center for Human Development and Spiritual Awakening, contact: JoAnn Jones, Bethlehem, PA (Grassroots Journal)
- Natural Rights Center, contact: Albert Bates, Summertown, TN (Natural Rights)
- New Land Trust, Inc., contact: Damian Gormley, Saranac, NY (New Land Ethic Review)
- Northern New England Bioregion Project, contact: Tom DeVries, Concord, NH
- Permaculture Connection: Southwest Permaculture Network News, contact: Lee Barnes, Waynesville, NC
- Save Inc.; Greens USA, contacts: Joris Rosse & JoAnn Jones, Bethlehem, PA (Grassroots Journal)
- Share the Dream Community Farm Project at Ash Grove Organic Farm, contact: Dori Green, Corning, NY
- Short Mountain Sanctuary, contact: Stevie Kendall, Liberty, TN (RFD: A Country Journal for Gay Men Everywhere)
- Southern Appalachian Eco-Alliance, contact: Dan Cartledge, Fletcher, NC
- The Swan Conservation Trust, contact: Michael Lee, Summertown, TN (Call of the Swan)
- Three Rivers Project, contact: John Van Lierde, South New Berlin, NY (Three Rivers Communicator)
- TRANET, no contact listed, Rangeley, ME
- Western North Carolina Alliance, contact: Mary Kelly, Ashville, NC (Accent)
- Wild Earth, John Davis, Richmond, VT (Wild Earth Magazine)
- Individuals
- W. Forrest Altman, Semora, NC
- Lee Barnes, Waynesville, NC
- Roy Chamberlin, New Berlin, NY
- Walt Franklin, Rexville, NY
- Myles Jakubowski, Baxter, TN
- Tad Montgomery, Montague, MA
- Marnie Muller, Leicester, NC
- Leith Patton, Nashville, TN
- Milo Pyne, Nashville, TN
- Brian Tokar, Calais, VT
- Atlantic Coast
- American PIE (American Public Information on the Environment), contact: Brad Easterson, Marlborough, CT (American PIE)
- Earth Environmental Group, contact: Jean Gardner, New York, NY (various publications)
- The Ecologist, no contact listed, Cambridge, MA
- Grandmother Speaks, contact: Red Moon Song, Silver Springs, MD
- The Green Web, contacts: David Orton & Helga Hoffmann, Pictou County, N.S., Canada (Green Web Bulletin)
- Hug the Earth Publications, contact: Kenneth Lumpkin, Pequannock, NJ (Hug the Earth, A Journal of Land and Life)
- Institute for Bioregional Studies, contact: Phil Ferraro, Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Learning Alliance, contact: David Levine, New York, NY (Learning Alliance Catalog)
- Reinhabit the Hudson Estuary, contacts: George Tukel & Jerry Mueller, New Paltz, NY
- The Westchester Land Trust, contact: Alice Bamberger, Bedford Hills, NY (Spaces)
- Individuals
- Caroline Cutroneo, Staten Island, NY
- Rev. Margaret S. Ennis (Maggie), Woodbridge, VA
- Coco Gordon, New York, NY
- Gary Lawless & Beth Leonard, Brunswick, Gulf of Maine, ME
- Australia
- Permaculture International, contact: Steve Payne, South Lismore, NSW, Australia (Permaculture International Journal)
- Urban Ecology Australia, contact: Cherie Hoyle, Adelaide, SA, Australia (various publications)
- Yarra Yarra Bioregional Network, contacts: Cam Walker & Natalie Moxham, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia (Inhabit)
- Europe
- ADELLOCSAN “Associació per a la defensa dels llocs sagrats ancestrals”, contact: Miguel-Didac Piñero Costa, L’Escala, Catalunya, Spain (Butlletί)
- Alternativa Verda, contact: Josep Puig, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain (L’Alternatiu)
- Cornish Nationalist Party, contact: Dr. James Whetter, Cornwall, UK (The Cornish Banner/An Baner Kernewek)
- Earth Village Network, contacts: Ishi & Sarah Crosby, JG Katijk, Netherlands (Earth Village Connector)
- The Ecologist, no contact listed, Dorset, UK
- EURES Institute for Regional Studies in Europe, contact: Beatrice Magnus-Wiebel, Freiburg, Germany
- Frontiere, contact: Eduardo Zarelli, Bologna, Italy
- Lato Selvatico Newsletter, contact: Giuseppe Moretti, Portiolo, Mantova, Italy
- Munich 2000 Carfree (Műnchen 2000 Autofrei), contact: Klaus Naumann, Munich, Germany
- Permaculture Association, contact: Steven Read, Devon, UK (Permaculture Magazine)
- Sev-Slunákov-Elesun Foundation, contact: Michal Bartos, Olomouc, Czech Republic
- “T” Laboratorio Sulla Differenza, contacts: Marco DeBernardo & Daniela Esposito, Rome, Italy
- Tribú dell’ Arcobaleno Fiammeggiante, Associazione Culturale, contact: Gino, Napoli, Italy (La Raccolta)
- World Information Service on Energy, contact: Michel Ligthart, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Wise News Communique)
- Individuals
- Franco Beltrametti, Riva SV, Switzerland
- Maurizio Castellucci, Cesena, Italy
- Stefan Hyner, Brűhl/Romrhof, Germany
- Klaus Naumann, Munich, Germany
- Josep Puig/Boix, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
- Pacific Islands
- Harmonious Earth Research, contact: Marianne Scott, Kihei, HI
- Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth) contact: Ahmad Kamal, Penang, Malaysia (Environmental News Digest)
- Individuals
- Mr. S.M. Mohd Idris, Penang, Malaysia
- Other Continents
- Auroville Village Action Group, contact: Bhavana, Tamil Nadu, India (Auroville Today)
- Biorama Trust, contact: Ramanna, Tamil Nadu, India
- Environmental Liaison Centre International, contact: Robert Sinclair, Nairobi, Kenya
- Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, contacts: Matthew Miller & Marga Waals, Belmopan, Belize (Monkey Business)
- Alphabetical Index
- Zip & Postal Code Index
Green City Report by Sabrina Merlo
Green City/urban sustainability activities in the SF Bay Area.
Planet Drum Pulse by Debbie Hubsmith
Stake Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office.
- Bioregions Map (front page)
- Graphics: 5 animals (The 1995 Bioregional Directory)
- Planet Drum Staff (photo)
- Represented Bioregions of North America (map) (centerfold), cartography and design 1995, Olkos Work Arts – Steven R. Holloway
- Graphic: Forest, mountains, river (Zip & Postal Code Index)
Note: The PDF below is searchable if downloaded. Download
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