December 10-14, 2007
Summary: I damaged my Meniscus while surfing in Canoa over the weekend and had to spend the week resigned to the house with a leg brace preventing me from bending my leg. Fortunately the volunteers kept up with all the work and more of them showed up this week, so now the house is full.

Caroline watering some Dormilon
On Monday the La Cruz vegetation site was watered and the plants in the greenhouse were given water as well.
Tuesday, Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas was watered. While there volunteers completed the trail maintenance we’ve been working on. The trails are now clear and have rocks and rubble defining them and Moyuyo-stake stairs have been repaired. Back at the house a general cleanup was done. That evening Darline, our Belgian volunteer, returned from her trip to Quito, accompanied by Dave, from Australia, who will be joining us for a couple of weeks.
On Wednesday, Bosque Encantado, El Toro and the greenhouse were watered. (The fact that all of that fits into one sentence greatly understates the vast amount of work involved.)
On Thursday, the Maria Dolores and Don Pepe sites were watered. While in the area, volunteers cleared trails at the Nuevo Globo site for planting next year.

On Friday the volunteers went to the greenhouse. The house compost was dumped off and the compost piles were turned. Plants and seedbeds were watered.
Samango and Lucaena trees were sacrificed in order to keep with our mission of working with only native species. Only recently was it made clear that these trees are not from this region. Instead of risking the spread of non-native species, they had to be destroyed. At least the soil and bottles will be reused for growing more native trees.
Saturday we welcomed the arrival of two new volunteers, Jasper and Devon from California. They will be spending the next two months with us. ¡Bienvenidos!
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