September 3-7, 2007
On Monday we watered Maria Dolores and Don Pepe. Some neighborhood kids came out to help us carry the water at Maria Dolores. From there to the greenhouse where we watered and turned the compost.

In the morning on Tuesday we watered La Cruz and then caught the bus to the greenhouse to do some general cleaning up.
Some benches were built so that there is now a comfortable hangout next to the greenhouse.

Wednesday we worked around the house in the morning, changing some old screens and fixing up the bathrooms. In the afternoon Cheo helped to water Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas.
Thursday we picked up some more Pechiche seeds in barrio Astillero on the way to Bosque Encantado, Ricardito’s farm.

The site was watered and some baby Algarobos were transplanted while there. Then we went to the greenhouse to plant the Algarobos into three-liter bottles. That evening staff members from the Planet Drum base in San Francisco arrived. They will be here in Bahia for almost a month, and we look forward to sharing adventures with them.
Friday we started the day off by watering at El Toro, then went to the greenhouse to put Guayacans onto bricks, do some weeding and turn more compost.
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