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Bottle Cap Quilt Project at the Senator Hotel

By Planet Drum Staff | June 27, 2023

Raise the Stakes Archive

By Planet Drum Staff | June 11, 2023

“Raise The Stakes, the Planet Drum Review, a bi-annual publication, presented thought-provoking essays on issues ranging from restoration ecology to the greening of cities from 1979 – 2000. In addition [it had] a “Circles of Correspondence” section describing the activities of bioregional groups throughout the U.S. and internationally, Raise the Stakes included original poetry, articles on a variety of ecological subjects, unique graphics, new publications […]

2002 Kirsten Ford-All Reports

By Kristen Ford | December 1, 2022

Report #1 “Outreach to students about Composting” Report #2 “Tours and Planting with Students” Report #3 “Vermicomposting” Report #4 “Escuela Rotaria Story” (“Rotary School Story”) Report #5 (Supplemental Report) Report #1 October 5, 2002 Kristen Ford and Chris HaasPlanet Drum Volunteers  It has been one week since Peter and Judy’s departure to Guayaquil. I figured that today would be a great time to send my […]

I Am Looking at a Picture of Home

By Raymond Dasmann | June 25, 2019

Looking at the Okamura-Breedlove map, and speculating about the area that it represents, I am aware that I am looking at a picture of home. I’ve been over and around and across and through most of it at one time or another. It’s really a map of coyotes and billy owls, hawks circling in the sky, oak trees, chamise, sun-scorched grass and dripping wet forests. […]

The Green City As Thriving City: Implications for Local Economic Development

By David Morris | June 25, 2019

(From Raise the Stakes: The Planet Drum Review #13, Winter 1988) In discussing the greening of cities, one is reminded of the slogan that the French students used in 1968. On their posters they said “all that we want to change is everything,” which comes from that famous ecological dictum, “everything is connected to everything else.” When we pull a thread, we may in fact unwind a […]

Nanao Sakaki

By Peter Berg | December 31, 2008

Nanao Sakaki, internationally renowned as a contemporary Taoist sage/poet, departed to become another part of the wide Universe on the Winter Solstice December 23, 2008. His work will gain in both fame and usefulness as it ages. It has the combination of innocence and lightning-like insight of other masters in his tradition. Here are two pieces that exhibit the power of Sakaki’s language and presence. […]