Working on educational games for a kids’ Tour

August 16, 2004

We are back down to one group. Several volunteers have left this week and more are leaving next week.

Greenhouse:  A lot of work has been done at the greenhouse this week.  The hillside and the greenhouse plants have been watered. I believe the greenhouse itself is being watered on an almost daily basis thanks to the university students who are helping out.

Tuesday we went to the market and collected banana stalks and corn husks to begin mulching. We transplanted most of the greenhouse Algarrobos  in the seed bed into plastic containers. We then turned up the seed bed and will be adding new soil later in the week in preparation for planting  Colorado seeds, which is scheduled for next week. In addition, we mulched the entire site on Wednesday. 

Jorge Lomas Casas: We had water put into the cistern at Jorge Lomas last week. Watering is getting easier by the day. Now, not only do we have the bamboo pipes in the ground, but we no longer need to carry huge jugs of water to any of the sites, besides the Bosque. Monday we watered at Casas and installed a few more cribbing bars. We are mulching all Jorge Lomas sites Thursday.

Jorge Lomas Canal:  We still have not heard from the man who says he owns one of the sites we are planting in Jorge Lomas Canal. We are still watering there and are slowly fixing the fences. We successfully fixed the fence at the site in the back of the canal, but not so successfully at the other . It is a work in progress and should be completed early next week. Fortunately, I have not noticed any new animal droppings at the site.

Bosque: The community day at the Bosque was a mild success. A few adult members of the bario and several children came out. Planet Drum will be hosting a workshop at the Bosque in the coming weeks for some of the children attending Genesis schools. We will lead them on a tour through the Bosque and are working on educational games, like identify the plant leaf or something similar, to peak their interest.

Seed Bank Project: Research is scheduled for Friday. Right now a spread sheet is coming together very nicely and we are slowly, but surely, gathering information on more than twenty five trees. We are also working on translating a lot of existing information from Spanish to English


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