Ramon’s Weekly Report #5
Bioregionalism Education
Summer Session, 2008
June 4 & 6, 2008

We began class with everyone sitting in circles in the park. The work for the day was to cover the following themes: modes of transportation, education and culture, gardens, green spaces, and sustainable planning.
Raisa led the group discussing modes of transportation. In this group, Jessica commented that the principle contaminants that exist on the planet are fossil fuels, like the diesel used by the buses. Stefano mentioned that the pangas which transport people to San Vicente are also a large cause of contamination in the estuary of the Rio Chone. Susy said that environmental education is very important because is shows us the importance of the environment. This is an example of of what one can learn, where the principal objective is to increase awareness of the benefits that the environment gives us, and that we should adopt a culture where we don’t throw garbage on the street or ground.
Roberto’s group talked about how gardens or green spaces are small ecosystems where there is a large quantity of plants and animals. As an example, they pointed out the park we were all sitting in, where we observed the flowers of plants, butterflies, ants, bees, and in the trees saw birds such as Negros Finos, Doves and others.
In my group we talked about sustainable planning. Joao commented that this essentially means finding a way to live in harmony with the environment. Population growth makes it so that people are constantly looking for new areas in nature to live, often times in a disorganized manner and without considering the consequences to the environment. As an example of sustainable planning, I pointed out the Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas (The Forest in the Middle of the Ruins), which is now an inner-city green space, where we can observe different species of flora and fauna.
After analyzing the themes in groups, I gave the class a general summation of what we were learning. I told them that we need to try to minimize our use of cars and motorcycles and use more ecological taxis, walk and bicycle. We should adopt a culture of caring for our environment. And that our green spaces provide us with benefits such as fresh air and a place to see birds, animals, trees and plants.

On Friday, before leaving for our field trip, Stefano turned in all of the garbage that he had collected during the week in school, which he was carrying in his backpack. Then we headed for the private Saiananda Park, located in the outskirts of Bahia.

There we met our guide who showed us the fresh water turtles, commenting that they are very dangerous. Then we saw different species of doves, endemic and non-endemic, Guacamayos, and peacocks. He took us to their dock, which overlooks the estuary.

In the park there are also horses and a large iguana. Afterwards we were led to the aquarium, where there are different species of fish.

We walked along a path until seeing a captive deer that they have. The kids were able to touch the deer because it approached the gate of its pen. Continuing on our walk we saw a large bird called an Avestruz, this also amazed the kids. On the way back, Raisa saw a snake, which she said she wanted to take home as a pet, but couldn’t catch.
Before returning back to Bahia, I told the students that everything we had seen forms part of our planet. But if humans don’t become conscious of all of the life that surrounds us, future generations won’t be able to appreciate it because it won’t exist. I also explained that foreign species can disrupt the equilibrium of nature and that’s why native species are so important. Because of all of this we need to become more aware of the benefits that nature provides.
– Ramon
Translated by Clay.
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