2300 seedlings inventoried in the expanded greenhouse.

August 28-September 3, 2006

The greenhouse received a lot of love and affection last week. After nearly two months of construction we began a fresh inventory of the seedlings. With nearly 2300 seedlings we began reorganizing to make room for the upcoming growing season (November). It is incredibly helpful to have nearly double the amount of space following our renovations — thanks to all who were involved!

There has been almost no need to water our sites following the heavy rains of last week. Although we watered at La Cruz in the areas exposed to full sun, we were able to spend the majority of the week in El Toro planning for next year’s planting season. The unexpected rains also softened up the ground and allowed us the opportunity to dig some more humidity holes (see last week’s report). 

A local friend and schoolteacher, Ramon, has been helping out twice a week. His environmental education knowledge is extremely helpful. He also runs a pretty mean machete! We are beginning to develop quite a team here in Ecuador, with our new volunteer Dan arriving last Tueday. Not only are we excited he is going to be here more than three months, but it is FANTASTIC to have someone with a horticultural background working in the greenhouse. Bienvenidos! (welcome)

Hasta pronto,

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