Amy Jewel

Amy Jewel worked in Ecuador, Spring 2001. She sent two reports that follow up on the events set in motion with the Eco Committee's proposals and subsequent Public Meetings held in February. The proposals are also included on this page in English and Spanish.

Last Days in Bahia

By Amy Jewel | March 13, 2001

Amy Jewel, Field Assistant (Writing from Memphis, Tennessee) “Well, we HAVE to do it.” These words were spoken more than once over the past few weeks by Patrick Rivadenerra, Director of the new Department for Tourism and the Environment, about accomplishing the objectives of his department. They were used yet again last week during a final meeting with Gabriella Chejtman as we discussed the next […]

Field Report # 1, 2001

By Amy Jewel | February 26, 2001

Amy Jewel, Field AssistantPlanet Drum Foundation We presented the official Spanish version of the Ecological Plan to Dr. Luis Mendoza, President of the Mayor’s Commission on Tourism and the Environment, on Tuesday, February 20th. This is the body that will take the plan to the City Council for discussion and eventual approval, or disapproval. “Nos vimos” (we shall see). During our brief discussion of the […]

Plan Preliminar de Gestión de Basura y Reciclaje

By Amy Jewel | February 18, 2001

Por Amy Jewel (Assistente de Campo, Fundación Planet Drum) Municipalidad de Cantón Sucre (Versión Español) Antecedentes La recolección y destrucción de los desechos sólidos es un desafío que enfrentan todas las municipalidades. Mientras que el número de gente viviendo en las ciudades continua creciendo, la cantidad de basura generada también crece. Es necesario manejar toda esta basura responsablemente. Como muchas otras municipalidades, el Municipio del […]

Preliminary Waste Management and Recycling Plan

By Amy Jewel | February 18, 2001

By, Amy Jewel (Field Assistant at Planet Drum Foundation) Municipality of Canton Sucre [versión en español] Introduction The collection and disposal of solid waste is a challenge facing all municipalities. As the number of people living in the cities continues to grow, the amount of waste generated also grows. All of this waste needs to be handled in a responsible manner. Like many other municipalities, […]