Brian Teinert

Sprouting and Growing Advice from Eric Horstman, Marcello Luque, Dario, etc.

By Brian Teinert | January 27, 2003

January 27, 2003 Maria Auxiliadora: We had a park clean up day. The crew got together and picked up all of the trash and cleared the trails of brush and debris. We have plans to build the steps and repair benches in early February.  Fanca: A meeting was held at the house in which I got together with Patricia and Shannon. We discussed how we […]

Megan Arrived but the Worms Didn’t

By Brian Teinert | January 26, 2003

January 26, 2003 Megan arrived on Thursday and is doing well. She enjoys the greenhouse project and has proved to be a good worker and a self-starter. The projects are going well, except for the fact that I have not received the worms. We are getting seedlings transplanted, we are finding seeds, and I am making new connections all of the time.