Brian Teinert

Report and Response to the Letter

By Brian Teinert | March 27, 2004

Hi Peter and Elise, It looks like you guys have been doing some good work in San Fran.  I like the looks of the curriculum. Unfortunately, I will not be here when most of it is carried out. We had an Amigos de Eco-ciudad  meeting—these are the main points covered. Planet Drum work for the week included seed storage, shucking and cataloging.  We also planted […]

Ecuador Project Reports: Brian Teinert, Jan.–Mar. 2004

By Brian Teinert | March 27, 2004

Brian TeinertField Project Manager Planet Drum Foundation January 5, 2004 Reneé Portanova will undoubtedly be a great member of our team.  We have been in contact and I am looking forward to her arrival in Bahia on January 19th.    I am excited about Natalie Pollard coming as well.  At the moment, we have 3 volunteers lined up for February (Natalie, Renee, and Debbie.)  We also […]

Triumphant Eco-City Celebration in Bahia De Caraquez

By Brian Teinert | February 28, 2004

Brian Teinert, Field Project Manager Planet Drum Foundation The Celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of the Eco-city Declaration in mid-February was a very successful event. Many different groups helped to plan and organize activities to take place over a week-long period. There were several other environmental groups besides Planet Drum Foundation including Reserva Cerro Seco, Centro de Educacion Ambiental Eco-Bahia, Guacamayo Tours, and Fundación Stuarium. […]

5th Eco-City Anniversary Organizing

By Brian Teinert | January 19, 2004

Brian Teinert, Field Project Manager Planet Drum FoundationJanuary 19, 2004 Up until last week, I had been the unofficial organizer of the celebration for the Fifth Anniversary of the Declaration for the Eco-City.  Last Thursday I was made the official organizer.  I have been inviting more and more people every week. The calendar for the eco-city celebration is set.   We now have people from the Municipio coming, along […]

New Volunteers and New year Planning

By Brian Teinert | January 5, 2004

Brian Teinert, Field Project Manager Planet Drum FoundationJanuary 5, 2004 Reneé Portanova will undoubtedly be a great member of our team.  We have been in contact and I am looking forward to her arrival in Bahia on January 19th.   I am excited about Natalie Pollard coming as well.  At the moment, we have 3 volunteers lined up for February (Natalie, Renee, and Debbie.)  We also […]

Dia de los Arboles (Arbor Day).

By Brian Teinert | May 26, 2003

May 26, 2003 When the volunteers get here they will hit the ground running. We are going to work at the greenhouse, Fanca, the Universidad, etc. Over the past week I have visited all of our projects. At the universidad, I spoke with Horatio and the head of the biology department. We are finalizing our plans to work out the watering system and a workshop […]