Claire Dibble

Goodbye to the Tropics

By Claire Dibble | December 10, 2000

Only 48 hours until I have to kiss this beautiful city goodbye. Trying to tie up loose ends and enjoy my last moments. A crazy week, super full, as they say around here. Planned a minga (barrio clean-up), a mural with an ecological theme, and the inauguration of the Bosque en las Ruinas park.  The minga was a success last weekend; 12 kids from one […]

El Bosque en Las Ruinas (The Forest in the Ruins)

By Claire Dibble | October 24, 2000

Roosters crowing, a dog barking in the distance, tropical birds chirping overhead, it’s a quiet morning in Bahia de Caraquez. Good day to go up ‘killer hill’ (as Tony and I have fondly named the climb up to the new park site in Maria Auxiliadora), and move dirt. Exciting to see progress on the paths that are being cleared and widened to provide access to […]