Lisa Kundrat

Report #3: Revegetation Project, Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador

By Lisa Kundrat | April 1, 2002

Lisa Kundrat, Field Assistant Last Wednesday morning accompanied Marcelo Luque and Linsey, his volunteer, to Kilometro 8, one site where he has been working with Laura Commike on Planet Drum’s reforestation project in Leonidas Plaza. Pedro met us there and gave Linsey and I tips on our machete wielding techniques as we slashed small circles in the brush along the river bank to mark where […]

Report #2: Fanca Produce

By Lisa Kundrat | March 29, 2002

Lisa Kundrat, Field Assistant A week of storms and heat, of transition, of visiting, walking, listening. Been raining nearly every night, every morning, sweat dripping hot in between. There were nights when no one slept, thunder that made us crouch in our beds, lightning we could see with our eyes closed. Tried to plant in the beginning of the week, were caught as the storm […]

Eco-Ecuador 2002 Report # 1: First Impressions

By Lisa Kundrat | March 13, 2002

Lisa Kundrat, Field Assistant Received a letter from home. Spoke of cold hail running through apple wood ash. Makes me miss Montana these days when I have been questioning my role here, in this place that is not my own, where I am only just learning the feel of the hot ocean, learning to speak. One night after being so ill, sitting on the crowded […]