Lise Tjorring

Seed beds have sprouted.

By Lise Tjorring | June 15, 2007

Lise Tjorring Planet Drum FoundationReport: June 11-June 15, 2007 With six volunteers staying in the Planet Drum house and five volunteers staying in the Bahia B&B Inn we manage to get a lot of work done. New people keep showing an interest in what we are doing. We got an 11th volunteer to help us out this week when Tom, a traveler from Australia, passed through town […]

Installing more caña tubes and rice hull mulch.

By Lise Tjorring | June 8, 2007

Lise Tjorring Planet Drum FoundationReport: June 4-June 8, 2007 It has been a busy and interesting week. Clay has gone on a holiday to his homeland and left us with a long list of things to do, but at the same time new volunteers have arrived to help out with these tasks. The Planet Drum work force increased with two new volunteers this week, Maria from Argentina […]