Bioregional classes collect mangrove seeds alongside ‘Manglar Beisbol’ baseball team for youths who gather seeds.

Ramon’s Weekly Bioregional Education Report

January 17, 2007

We went to the Planet Drum greenhouse at the Catholic University to transplant trees. Some of the Planet Drum volunteers were waiting for us on our arrival. They carefully explained to the kids how to transplant and make compost. Then we split into groups to tackle the two tasks. The girls decided to transplant while the boys worked on the compost. Afterwards everyone helped with watering in the greenhouse.

January 19th, 2007

I met early with the students because we had to catch the ferry (gabarra) across the Rio Chone to collect Mangrove seeds on the beach at the other side. We met up with another group from a local community called ‘Manglar Beisbol’ (Mangrove Baseball), a baseball team for youths who gather seeds. We talked about the importance of protecting mangroves and the roles of estuaries in our bioregion. Then we all collected a number of bags full of the seeds that we will plant during the Eco-week.

Translated by Clay.

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