Bioregional classes field trips and student increase.

The trip to Ricardito’s (Bosque Encantado) farm ended up being a success. Students were very excited and they had a good time. 

The majority of the trees we examined were new for them. Ricardito talked about the principal characteristics (endemic, adaptable to the Ecuadorian coast…) of each class of trees, such as papaya, lime, cacao, chirimoya…

I asked them to observe and describe the differences seen in each tree by considering its leaves, fruit, trunk, and bark. I realized they found it easier remembering fruit trees rather then the trees we saw in El Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas. I believe it is because they could associate a single leaf to a specific fruit they normally consume! 

Students were also able to recognize the importance of cultivated plants that can be used for food purposes. They realized that fruits are not always available but are dependent upon the season. For instance at this time of the year, watermelon and mango were not present. They understood that plants have different uses: food, medicine, fiber. 

Kids were full of energy and I decided to test what they learned by having them play. The aim of the game was to get the leaf or fruit I was asking for, as quickly as possible. Students enjoyed the competition and they showed me they knew how to identify specific plants.

Today we carried on with the activity we started Wednesday last week (drawing leaves and writing their characteristics). I want to go back to El Bosque and play a more articulated game there, which will mark the end of the section about Native Species. Today I also explained the importance of photosynthesis since the kids were not very familiar with that.

On Saturday Laura, Johannes, Cheo and I went to Tutumbe to collect some hard seeds in order to start making jewellery with the kids..and luckily we found lots!

Que mas..I am pleased the number of my students is constantly growing.. Twelve so far!



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