Bioregional course: native tree species.

December 11, 2006

On Wednesday every student read about native species of trees of the Region. They were only familiar with the Ceibo. Ramon explained that their country’s flora is biologically extremely diverse, but is in danger because of people’s lack of awareness. He taught them about the importance of reforesting areas that had been cut down, in order to recreate natural habitats.

On Friday we all went to the greenhouse, wearing our new shirts, where we identified the species the students had learned about. They were also shown the section “La Cruz” in the vivero (greenhouse), containing the trees that we will collectively plant on the site to give them some hands-on experience.

After having turned the compost, they enjoyed a quick game of football on the field next to the university.

An article and a photo were published in the town’s newspaper “El nuevo globo” on page 6 de sociales, I think it’s accessible online too.


Translated by Tom (Koblinger) for Ramon

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