
News & Amigos de Eco-Ciudad (AMIEC).

By Renée Portanova / March 19, 2004 / 0 Comments

March 19, 2004   The house is full with Koke’s cousin from Argentina here and all of us.  The other volunteer, Ramona, who was supposed to come this week decided to volunteer elsewhere.  It was a bit of a disappointment. With Brian’s illness holding him back and the other two volunteers taking some time to travel […]

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Appropriate precautions for working in the field all day—long sleeve shirts and pants, boots, sunscreen, bug repellent and plenty of water: Revegetation Journal – 05/18/04

By Renée Portanova / March 18, 2004 / 0 Comments

Revegetation Journal March 8, 2004 A bit of a slow start this morning at the Universidad.   Thankfully we had an extra pair of hands to help out and make up for lost time.  Jaime, a local man who is interested in doing similar projects on his property, assisted us with the daunting task of tree […]

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Eco-Ciudad Community Bioregional Education Program

By Peter Berg and Elise Braaten / March 15, 2004 / 0 Comments

Peter Berg and Elise Braaten collaborated on a neighborhood oriented educational curriculum that will be launched June 2004 by Planet Drum Foundation in Bahia de Caraquez. Objective: To develop and carry out a bioregional education program for children and adults.  It is oriented toward accomplishing ongoing projects that feature lessons, workshops and exercises based upon […]

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Revegetation Journal – 05/05/04

By Renée Portanova / March 4, 2004 / 0 Comments

Renée Portanova, Volunteer Planet Drum Foundation March 5, 2004   Tree Species(Latin names available by contacting     January 26, 2004 Although it is the rainy season in Bahia de Caraquez it hasn’t rained in nearly three weeks.  The trees we have planted are in dire need of water.  Today we watered two of our sites in which […]

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Winter Olympic Action
Guard Fox Watch: 2006 Turin, Italy (March 4, 2004)

By Guard Fox Watch / March 1, 2004 / 0 Comments

Winter Olympics Won’t Avoid Environmental Damage The upcoming 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin, Italy (TOROC) lack sufficient environmental safeguards to prevent damage to the Southern Alps, according to the international ecological monitoring group Guard Fox Watch (GFW). Dramatic increases in air and water pollution, disruption of wildlife, overflowing garbage and sewage facilities, and greater […]

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Triumphant Eco-City Celebration in Bahia De Caraquez

By Brian Teinert / February 28, 2004 / 0 Comments

Brian Teinert, Field Project Manager Planet Drum Foundation The Celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of the Eco-city Declaration in mid-February was a very successful event. Many different groups helped to plan and organize activities to take place over a week-long period. There were several other environmental groups besides Planet Drum Foundation including Reserva Cerro Seco, […]

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The sound of hard rain bouncing off the roof.

By Renée Portanova / February 11, 2004 / 0 Comments

February 2- 11, 2004 February 2, 2004 Well, some rain has finally come and the greenhouse, inside and out, is overwhelmed with “weeds.” Some are nearly as high as my shoulders (I’m 5’6’’). With a machete in one hand and an “L” shaped stick in the other, I begin the tedious task of clearing the […]

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Ecuador Project Report: Natalie Pollard, Feb. 2004

By Natalie Pollard / February 10, 2004 / 0 Comments

Natalie Pollard, Volunteer Planet Drum Foundation Hola Planet Drum,  Thursday morning, 2/5/04, Renee and I headed to the greenhouse — transplanting, watering, and preparing beds for planting.  Back to the apartment for pescado de Koke (yum!)  In the afternoon, we headed to Jorge Lomas with Brian and Cheo to do some cribbing along the hillside, so […]

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Enjoying the pace of life here.

By Natalie Pollard / February 10, 2004 / 0 Comments

February 10, 2004 Hola Planet Drum,  Thursday morning, 2/5/04, Renee and I headed to the greenhouse — transplanting, watering, and preparing beds for planting.  Back to the apartment for pescado de Koke (yum!)  In the afternoon, we headed to Jorge Lomas with Brian and Cheo to do some cribbing along the hillside, so that we […]

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5th Eco-City Anniversary Organizing

By Brian Teinert / January 19, 2004 / 0 Comments

Brian Teinert, Field Project Manager Planet Drum FoundationJanuary 19, 2004 Up until last week, I had been the unofficial organizer of the celebration for the Fifth Anniversary of the Declaration for the Eco-City.  Last Thursday I was made the official organizer.  I have been inviting more and more people every week. The calendar for the eco-city celebration […]

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